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High Court says church not vicariously liable for historic abuse
High Court 2024-11-13 11:54 pm By Andy Sidler

The Catholic church can’t be on the hook for sexual abuse by priests because the principle of vicarious liability is limited to the employment relationship, the High Court has found.

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Honda tells court it should be on the hook for $12M in spat with dealer
Contracts 2024-11-12 11:17 pm By Andy Sidler

Dealer Brighton Automative is gunning for $13.9 million in damages after Honda cut its contract off prematurely, with Honda hopeful the figure is more like $12.1 million. 

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Melbourne Symphony says pianist had ‘no right’ to make Gaza remarks
Employment 2024-11-11 11:02 pm By Andy Sidler

The Melbourne Symphony has hit back at a pianist’s suit over a cancelled recital after he made impromptu comments about the war in Gaza, saying he had no right to make the unauthorised remarks. 

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Rio Tinto defeats appeal by Russian aluminium producer over war sanctions
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-11-11 11:40 pm By Andy Sidler

An appeals court has backed a decision by six Rio Tinto units to refuse delivery of alumina to Russia’s largest aluminium producer because it would run afoul of sanctions imposed after Russia invaded Ukraine.

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Judge mulls CFO to cut Mayne class action funder’s commission
Class Actions 2024-11-08 11:48 pm By Andy Sidler

A commission baked into a funding agreement in a class action against Mayne Pharma is under threat, with a judge mulling an order off his own bat to cut the rate. 

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‘Eye-watering’ legal costs in NT stolen wages class action: judge
Class Actions 2024-11-07 11:37 pm By Andy Sidler

Shine Lawyers wants to claim $24.5 million in legal costs in a stolen wages class action on behalf of Northern Territory First Nations people, a sum a judge called “eye watering”.

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High Court finds curfew, ankle bracelet regime for former detainees unlawful
Justice Stephen Gageler 2024-11-06 11:09 pm By Andy Sidler

The High Court has found that requiring stateless refugees to wear ankle bracelets and comply with curfews to prevent future offending is unconstitutional. 

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MinterEllison brings on seven partners from PwC
Business of Law 2024-11-06 4:06 pm By Andy Sidler

Still feeling aftershocks from last year’s tax leaks scandal, PricewaterhouseCoopers has lost seven partners to the risk and regulatory team of Big Six law firm MinterEllison.

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MinRes boss Chris Ellison to step down after disclosure, integrity failures
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-11-04 11:07 pm By Andy Sidler

Founder and managing director of mining company Mineral Resources Chris Ellison will step down after an internal investigation found he engaged in misconduct.

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Jones Day recruits tax partner from Baker McKenzie
Tax 2024-11-04 2:43 pm By Andy Sidler

Longtime tax partner at Baker McKenzie has made the jump to Jones Day, joining the firm’s Sydney office. 

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