Allens has brokered a deal between Australian renewable company ZEN Energy and Taiwanese company HDRE to create a battery system that will increase national solar storage by 33 per cent.
Commercial tenants of Quest Dockland’s Bourke Street apartment complex have filed proceedings against 45 landlords, claiming their requests for rent relief during the COVID-19 pandemic were ignored.
An appeals court has overturned a finding that food company Noumi waived privilege over a PwC report commissioned by Ashurst, which it produced to ASIC under voluntary disclosure.
Graincorp may face new allegations in a class action that the use of n-Hexane at an oilseed factory in rural Victoria had an impact on the health of local residents.
Budget supermarket Aldi has won its appeal of a tribunal decision which found that upper limits on rental increases fell afoul of the Retail Leases Act.
Energy provider AGL has been slapped with a $25 million penalty after it continued to deduct payments from around 500 welfare recipients after they had closed their accounts.
A judge has set a final deadline for the CEO of International Capital Markets to file his defence in a class action over risky contracts for difference.
ASIC has sued credit contractor Swoosh Finance for allegedly providing unsuitable loans with high fees and interest rates to customers who showed “clear signs of financial distress”.
CIMIC has agreed to pay $45.25 million to settle a shareholder class action alleging it failed to properly inform the market about its investment in a Middle East company.
The conduct of an unprepared barrister who attended the first day of an eight-day hearing without reading the full brief has been referred to the Legal Services Commissioner.