Harmers Workplace Lawyers has won its bid to strike out a statement of claim by a client and lawyer who is suing the firm for negligent advice, but a court has given the solicitor a chance to replead his case.
A class action against AGL Energy alleges the Big three energy supplier’s adoption of “gaming” strategies in the supply of electricity in South Australia led to anomalous price spikes in the state.
A litigation funder that bankrolled a photographerâs unsuccessful copyright claim against CoreLogic has appealed a ruling ordering if to pay indemnity costs to the property data analytics company.
Pop star Katy Perry has appealed her loss in a long-running trade mark fight with an Australian fashion designer over the right to use her name to sell clothing in Australia.
A judge has published his reasons for tossing Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation lawsuits over publications accusing him of war crimes, saying the former SAS corporal was not “honest and reliable”.
Network 10 has dragged its former political editor Peter van Onselen to court for allegedly breaching a clause in a settlement agreement.
Dental aligner maker Invisalign has appealed its loss in suit accusing competitor SmileDirectClub of misleading consumers about the cost and efficacy of its direct-to-consumer teeth alignment kits.
Big three energy supplier AGL is facing a class action alleging it misused its market power in breach of Australia’s competition laws.
BHP has admitted it underpaid mine workers $430 million for over a decade by improperly deducting leave for public holidays.
PricewaterhouseCoopers has appointed former Telstra CEO Ziggy Switkowski to investigate the tax leaks scandal that has engulfed the firm.