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ANZ admits flex commission dealers ‘encouraged’ to offer loans with interest above base rate
Class Actions 2021-03-30 4:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

Banking giant ANZ, which is facing a class action over a flex commissions scheme by its former car finance business, has admitted that the calculation of car dealers’ commission was aimed at encouraging loans with interest above a “base rate”.

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ACCC clears NAB’s $220M acquisition of digital bank 86 400
Corporate 2021-03-30 12:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ACCC has given the greenlight to NAB’s proposed acquisition of digital only bank 86 400, saying the tie-up would not substantially lessen competition.

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Arnott’s, Campbell won’t use ‘Plantly’ logo while TM infringement case simmers
Intellectual Property 2021-03-30 11:55 am By Christine Caulfield

Food giants Arnott’s and Campbell will stop using their ‘Plantly’ logo on any new products pending the resolution of a trade mark infringement lawsuit brought by rival Goodman Fielder.

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ATO loses appeal in JobKeeper case over sole trader’s lasped ABN
Tax 2021-03-26 10:45 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Taxation Office has come up short in its challenge to a decision that a sole trader was eligible for Jobkeeper despite a cancelled ABN, with the Full Federal Court saying the small businessman was entitled to the government COVID-19 handout.

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Linchpin Capital investors want to add insurers to class action
Class Actions 2021-03-26 12:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

A class action by investors of collapsed Linchpin Capital against the company’s former directors wants to join their insurers as defendants to the proceedings.

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Judge won’t entertain defective defence argument in negligence case against K&L Gates
Colin Biggers & Paisley 2021-03-25 10:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

K&L Gates has fended off a mid-case bid for costs by former clients who are seeking $3 million in a negligence lawsuit and told a court on Wednesday they wasted money responding to a “defective defence” by the law firm.

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Law firms could soon face regulatory action as sexual harassment ‘hotspots’
Business of Law 2021-03-25 10:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firms could be the target of regulatory action as sexual harassment “hotspots”, with the upcoming launch by the legal watchdogs in NSW and Victoria of anonymous 24-hour online reporting platforms for lawyers.

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Christian Porter could lose Attorney-General post in Cabinet reshuffle
Policy and Regulation 2021-03-24 10:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

Speculation is growing that Prime Minister Scott Morrison is poised to move embattled Cabinet ministers Christian Porter and Linda Reynolds off their portfolios, in a reshuffle of his front bench amid a deepening political crisis.

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Banksia silk’s refusal to give evidence while seeking to reopen defence ‘inexcusable’, judge says
Class Actions 2021-03-24 4:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

Allowing former senior barrister Norman O’Bryan to reopen his defence in the Banksia class action while “avoiding the witness box” was clearly prejudicial, and futile to boot, a judge has said in his reasons for refusing the silk’s last-minute application.

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KPMG can’t delay defence in Arrium class action
Accounting 2021-03-24 1:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

A bid by KPMG to push off the filing of its defence in a class action over misleading statements ahead of Arrium’s $754 million capital raising in 2014 has been shot down by a judge, who said the auditor has known the claims against it since November.

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