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Andrews government to seek quick end to COVID-19 class actions
COVID-19 2021-03-04 11:32 am By Christine Caulfield

The Victorian government will argue for summary dismissal of two class actions filed over the bungled COVID-19 hotel quarantine program said to be responsible for the state’s second pandemic wave last year.

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Law firms await beauty tips as High Court set to rule on competing class actions
High Court 2021-03-03 10:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has set a date for handing down its keenly anticipated judgment in a case that challenged the winner of a beauty contest of class actions against AMP, a decision expected to offer guidance on how courts should tackle the so-called multiplicity problem.

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AG Christian Porter outs himself as accused rapist, denies allegations
News 2021-03-03 3:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

Attorney-General Christian Porter has identified himself as the federal Cabinet member accused of raping a teenage girl 33 years ago, but says he denies the allegations and will not step down.

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Apple doesn’t have to produce info on Australian users in Epic Games competition case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-03-03 2:28 pm By Christine Caulfield

Tech giant Apple will not be forced to hand over documents about Australian users to Epic Games ahead of argument on Apple’s application to shut down the game maker’s competition case, a judge has ruled, likening Epic’s imprecise notice to produce to the “cheerful pastime of drift netting”.

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Boston Scientific hit with pelvic mesh class action
Class Actions 2021-03-03 11:52 am By Christine Caulfield

Medical device giant Boston Scientific faces a class action on behalf of women who allege they suffered debilitating injuries from the company’s pelvic mesh products.

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Court won’t save Greensill from ‘catastrophic’ expiry of $4.6B insurance policy
Insurance 2021-03-02 11:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Embattled financial services firm Greensill Capital has lost an emergency bid for a temporary mandatory injunction that would have forced its insurer to renew trade credit policies covering $4.6 billion in client loans as it fights to avoid collapse.

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ASIC accuses REST of deceiving members over super fund transfers
Financial Services 2021-03-02 9:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has brought court action against Retail Employees Superannuation, alleging the super trustee may have misled members about their ability to move their super out of the REST Trust.

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Financial adviser drops defence in ASIC’s bad advice case against IOOF unit
Financial Services 2021-03-02 3:00 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former financial planner of IOOF unit RI Advice, who has been accused by ASIC of pocketing hefty commissions from clients steered to risky investments, has abandoned his defence on the second day of trial.

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Fair trial may not be possible for adviser targeted by ASIC in IOOF unit case, court told
Financial Services 2021-03-01 9:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

A financial adviser at the centre of ASIC’s bad advice case against an IOOF unit might mount an argument that a fair trial is not possible because of his “fulsome” answers to investigators during a compulsory examination.

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ASIC proves prescient with failure of mediation on eve of IOOF trial
Financial Services 2021-02-26 9:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

ASIC’s warning about the futility of mediation with an IOOF subsidiary has proved prophetic, with talks last week failing to resolve the regulator’s case ahead of trial starting Monday.

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