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Banksia funder’s son would have confided in friend had he known of dad’s deception, court told
Class Actions 2020-12-11 10:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

The son of the funder behind a class action at the centre of scandalous misconduct claims says he would have sought advice from a family friend if he had realised his father and counsel leading the case were misleading the court to inflate their profits from a $64 million settlement.

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‘I didn’t put two and two together’: Lawyer says he never caught on to misconduct in Banksia case
Class Actions 2020-12-09 10:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

Solicitor Alex Elliott has said it never clicked with him that members of the legal team running the Banksia class action were misleading an appeals court when his father — the mastermind behind the alleged deception — told him to sign cheques for lawyers that they could not cash.

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Routine email destruction ‘bombshell’ on eve of Banksia funder’s death just a ruse, court told
Class Actions 2020-12-08 11:25 pm By Christine Caulfield

The funder accused of a fraudulent scheme to pocket inflated fees from the Banksia Securities class action produced less than 200 documents to the contradictor in the case and invented a story about a routine email purging practice to explain the discovery hole, a court has heard.

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Ex-Norton Rose Fulbright partner says $160,000 damages ‘manifestly inadequate’
Appeals 2020-12-08 4:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

A sacked Norton Rose Fulbright partner is challenging a $160,000 award handed down by a judge who found the law firm intentionally deceived him in litigation over his dismissal, arguing the sum is “manifestly inadequate”.

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Last stop for ACCC as High Court refuses leave to appeal Pacific National, Aurizon deal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-12-08 1:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ACCC has reached the end of the line in its challenge to Pacific National’s $205 million acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland, with the High Court dismissing the competition regulator’s application to take up the appeal.

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Damages to misclassified casuals will be offset by loading under new workplace bill
Employment 2020-12-07 10:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

Casual workers will have the option of permanent employment after 12 months under the Morrison government’s industrial relations omnibus bill to be unveiled this week, but the legislation will also scale back what damages casuals can pocket in legal action over misclassification.

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ASIC wins winding up orders against accused Ponzi schemer Chris Marco
Financial Services 2020-12-07 9:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has ordered the winding up of a managed investment scheme operated by Perth businessman Chris Marco and his company AMS Holdings after investors allegedly lost more than $200 million.

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PwC’s client urged to get separate lawyers in tax office stoush over legal privilege
Tax 2020-12-07 4:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

A court battle between the Australian Taxation Office and PricewaterhouseCoopers over the scope of legal professional privilege claimed by one of its major clients, meat processing giant JBS Australia, has hit a preliminary snag over the consulting giant’s representation of JBS, with a judge warning he might compel the company and its subsidiaries to engage independent lawyers.

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Class action against collapsed Linchpin Capital gets court go-ahead
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-12-07 3:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has given his blessing to investors to pursue a class action against financial services firm Linchpin Capital and its subsidiary Endeavour Securities, saying there was a strong possibility the failed companies’ alleged liability would be covered by an insurance policy.

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Judge nixes bid to boot unregistered group members from Sims class action
Class Actions 2020-12-04 10:23 pm By Christine Caulfield

A bid by the applicant to restrict a securities class action against recycling company Sims Metal Management to shareholders who have registered to join the case has been shot down by a judge, who said the application was not in the interests of justice but “in the interests of injustice”.

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