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Insurers slam The Star’s ‘misconceived’ COVID-19 coverage case
Insurance 2020-09-28 2:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

COVID-19 was clearly excluded from the business interruption insurance policy taken out by The Star, and a lawsuit seeking coverage for economic loss resulting from the pandemic was “misconceived”, a group of insurers has said.

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ASIC wins travel ban against advisor accused of impersonating clients for early super release
Financial Services 2020-09-28 1:36 pm By Christine Caulfield

The corporate regulator has secured temporary restraining orders against a financial advisor who is accused of impersonating clients to obtain early release of their superannuation funds and pocket a substantial fee for the service.

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GetSwift won’t give up bid for judge’s disqualification in class action
Class Actions 2020-09-28 12:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

GetSwift is keeping up its fight to have the judge overseeing a shareholder class action disqualify himself from the proceedings after overseeing the trial in the corporate regulator’s case against the logistics provider.

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What’s the big deal? Hungry Jack’s stands by ‘Big Jack’ burger in face of McDonald’s suit
Intellectual Property 2020-09-25 9:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

Hungry Jack’s is defending its ‘Big Jack’ against trade mark infringement claims by rival fast-food chain McDonald’s, saying the burger’s moniker incorporates its founder’s name with nothing more than a descriptive word for its large size that is “commonly” used by other fast-food restaurants.

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Court orders Victoria to produce legal advice to Liberal member suing over curfew
COVID-19 2020-09-24 6:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has ordered the Victorian government to hand over legal documents it weighed before implementing its COVID-19 curfew, in a suit brought by a Liberal Party member that says the curfew was unlawful.

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Prepping large class action for trial no reason for relief from COVID-19 restrictions, top judge says
COVID-19 2020-09-24 4:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

The need to properly prepare a large commercial class action is not reason enough to relieve lawyers of COVID-19 restrictions aimed at protecting the health and safety of Victorians, the Federal Court’s chief judge has said in explaining why he denied a bid by the Melbourne-based legal team behind the Crown Resorts class action to have the case declared a priority.

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Major insolvency reforms to reboot economy draw criticism from lawyers
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-09-24 1:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Morrison government has announced significant reforms to insolvency laws as part of its economic recovery plan that take inspiration from US chapter 11 laws, but Australia’s peak legal body has said the timeframe for the changes and lack of consultation were “very concerning”.

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Third class action filed over Victoria’s botched COVID-19 hotel quarantine program
Class Actions 2020-09-24 11:04 am By Christine Caulfield

A class action targeting security companies contracted by the Victorian government to guard returning travellers in hotel quarantine has been launched, bringing to three the number of group proceedings filed over the botched program.

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Westpac to pay record $1.3B penalty in AUSTRAC action
Financial Services 2020-09-24 9:44 am By Christine Caulfield

Westpac has agreed to pay a whopping $1.3 billion civil penalty to resolve AUSTRAC enforcement action over the bank’s 23 million breaches of money laundering and counter-terrorism laws.

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Silks, retired judges call for no-vote on ‘unprecedented’ COVID-19 emergency powers
COVID-19 2020-09-22 11:30 pm By Christine Caulfield

Leading senior barristers and former judges are urging Victoria’s upper house to oppose the Andrews government’s COVID-19 Omnibus bill, saying legislation allowing citizens to make arrests was an overreach.

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