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Dreamworld operator Ardent Leisure pleads guilty over ride deaths
Entertainment 2020-07-29 4:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

The operator of Dreamworld in Queensland has pleaded guilty to three charges over the 2016 deaths of four people on the theme park’s now demolished Thunder River Rapids ride.

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Tile maker Ceramiche wins trade mark fight with Caesarstone after ‘honest use’ ruling
Intellectual Property 2020-07-29 3:28 pm By Christine Caulfield

Tile maker Ceramiche Caesar has prevailed in its challenge to a judge’s ruling allowing building products manufacturer Caesarstone to register two trade marks despite a finding that they were deceptively similar to one of its marks.

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DLA Piper recruits leading restructuring partner for Melbourne office
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-07-29 2:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Global law firm DLA Piper has boosted its restructuring practice with the hire of former Ashurst partner Lionel Meehan for its Melbourne team, the firm’s fourth new hire in recent months.

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AMP hit with class action by financial planners
Financial Services 2020-07-29 12:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

AMP has been hit with a cliass action by a group of financial planners over changes to its buyer of last resort policy last year, which cut the number of authoried advisers and retreated from a promise to buy back their businesses at a price based on a set multiple.

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Lawyer loses sexual harassment appeal after urging court to just think of him as ‘Mr Darcy’
Employment 2020-07-27 11:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

A lawyer who argued his conduct towards a paralegal was not sexual harassment but a display of ardent affection akin to ‘Mr Darcy’ in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ has lost his appeal of a $170,000 judgment against him, with the Full Federal Court saying the case was “as far from a Jane Austen novel as it is possible to be”.

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Banksia class action funder admits court was misled on fees, says commission shouldn’t suffer
Class Actions 2020-07-27 5:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

The litigation funder behind the class action over Banksia Securities’ collapse has admitted it misled a costs consultant retained to report to the court on the reasonableness of the fees in the case, but says its commission should not take a hit as a result because the misconduct occurred after the litigation settled against Banksia’s trustee for $64 million.

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ACCC accuses Google of misleading Australians over expanded data collection
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-07-27 10:01 am By Christine Caulfield

The ACCC has launched court proceedings against Google, accusing the search engine giant of duping millions of Australians into agreeing to expand the scope of personal information that could be collected and combined for use in targeted advertising.

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Administrators for fashion retailer PAS Group lose battle with landlords over rent
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-07-24 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Administrators for The PAS Group have failed in their bid to have almost $1.4M in rent declared an unsecured debt in the event the fashion retailer goes into liquidation amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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Ex-Bellamy’s director Jan Cameron pleads not guilty to disclosure charges
Securities 2020-07-24 10:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

Former Bellamy’s Australia director Jan Cameron has pleaded not gulty to two charges stemming from an alleged failure to disclose her stake in the organic baby food company.

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AMP’s life insurance arm hit with class action over ‘inflated’ insurance policies
Class Actions 2020-07-24 9:08 pm By Christine Caulfield

AMP Life has been hit with a class action alleging its financial representatives pushed inflated insurance policies onto 100,000 customers while knowing that better policies could be found through other providers.

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