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Geowash execs win stay of enforcement of $2.7M fine in ACCC case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-06-24 10:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has agreed to give two executives of Geowash a reprieve from enforcement of $2.7 million in penalties pending an appeal of a judgment in an ACCC case that found the car wash franchisor overcharged franchisees and misled them about expected revenue.

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Women bring action against ex-High Court judge over legal profession’s ‘dirtiest secret’
Employment 2020-06-23 10:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Three women who worked as associates for ex-High Court Justice Dyson Heydon are pursuing legal action against the former judge and the Commonwealth for compensation after an independent investigation found they were victims of sexual harassment on the job.

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Ex-High Court Justice Dyson Heydon sexually harassed associates, inquiry finds
Employment 2020-06-22 10:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

Former High Court Justice Dyson Heydon sexually harassed six of his female associates while on the bench, an independent investigation has uncovered.

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Bain, Cyrus make final offers for Virgin
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-06-22 2:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

Final bids for Virgin Australia were lodged on Monday by investment firm Bain Capital and private equity investor Cyrus Capital Partners, and the struggling airline’s administrators are giving themselves a week to pick a winner.

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ASX backs permanent reform to continuous disclosure obligations
Class Actions 2020-06-18 11:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

Recent temporary measures by the government making it harder to bring shareholder class actions should be part of permanent reform, ASX has said, and enforcement of Australia’s continuous disclosure rules should rest with the share market operator and ASIC.

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ACCC clears $120M AFG, Connective merger
Corporate 2020-06-18 3:36 pm By Christine Caulfield

The competition cop has given its blessing to Australian Finance Group’s $120 million acquisition of rival Connective Group, after raising concerns the deal could squeeze smaller players out of the mortgage aggregator market.

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ACCC sweating the details of Googleā€™s $3B Fitbit purchase
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-06-18 12:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

The competition regulator has raised concerns about Google’s planned acquisition of fitness device company Fitbit, saying the $3 billion tie-up could further cement the dominance of the search engine giant in online advertising.

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Workpac takes casual worker case to High Court
Appeals 2020-06-17 8:53 pm By Christine Caulfield

Labour hire company WorkPac has asked the High Court to weigh in on a decision that grants entitlements to casual workers with regular shifts, a ruling it says could have a “devastating impact” on companies if allowed to stand.

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Mayfair to retire ‘Platinum’ brand to put trade mark dispute to rest
Intellectual Property 2020-06-16 11:05 pm By Christine Caulfield

Mayfair 101 has agreed to cease using the brand name Mayfair Platinum to settle a trade mark dispute brought by ASX-listed fund manager Platinum Asset Management.

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High standards: Challenging a DOCA that compromises a litigation claim
Expert Insights 2020-06-16 6:05 pm By Christine Caulfield

While some judges have suggested a deed of company arrangement can be terminated at the comparatively low threshold that a liquidator may be “potentially” successful in litigating a claim, this is clearly not the test after a recent Full Federal Court ruling that affirms the high standard to be met by any challenge to a DOCA, where the deed compromises a commercial dispute, writes Baker McKenzies’ David Walter,Ā Maria O’BrienĀ andĀ Ian Innes.

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