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Google must hand over ID of bad reviewer to gangland lawyer Zarah Garde-Wilson
Defamation 2020-06-09 2:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

Google has been ordered to hand over details of an online reviewer’s identity to gangland lawyer Zarah Garde-Wilson so she can pursue a potential defamation and misleading and deceptive conduct case against the reviewer, which she alleges is a rival law firm.

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Top barrister retained interest in Mark Elliott’s funding co. after wife sold shares, court told
Class Actions 2020-06-09 10:52 am By Christine Caulfield

Court documents sought to be kept confidential in a case alleging professional misconduct against barrister Norman O’Bryan SC in his role as counsel for a class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities accuse the top silk of continuing to have an interest in the funder that bankrolled the proceedings after his wife was said to have sold her shares.

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Former Sirtex boss released on good behaviour bond after insider trading conviction
White Collar 2020-06-04 9:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

The former CEO and director of biotech company Sirtex Medical was sentenced Thursday to 18 months’ imprisonment for insider trading but was released immediately on a three-year good behaviour bond.

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Robodebt recipients won’t be asked to waive class action claims
Class Actions 2020-06-04 6:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

Centrelink recipients eligible for a share of $721 million in refunds on debts paid as part of the controversial Robodebt scheme will not be asked to sign away their rights in an ongoing class action, but whether the Morrison Government will seek to shut down the case remains to be seen.

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Ex-Beem It boss takes fintech, CBA to court
Employment 2020-06-04 1:42 pm By Christine Caulfield

Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Beem It are facing an employment lawsuit by the former CEO of the payments fintech, but details of the case have not been released pending a bid to keep the claims confidential.

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Banksia class action funder can’t keep details of misconduct claims under wraps
Class Actions 2020-06-03 10:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has rejected calls to keep confidential the details of professional misconduct claims against the funder and lawyers behind the Banksia Securities class action, in a ruling that revealed that investors of the collapsed lender could recover $30 million more if allegations against the legal team are established at trial.

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Virgin bidder shortlist down to Bain, Cyrus
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-06-02 5:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

Virgin Australia’s administrators have whittled down the list of eligible bidders for the struggling airline to two, with investment firm Bain Capital and private equity investor Cyrus Capital Partners the only potential purchasers allowed to make final offers.

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Independent views to get less airtime in new inquiry as class actions plunged into uncertainty
Class Actions 2020-06-02 4:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

While companies and organisations have been given wide latitude to present their views to the new class action inquiry, submissions by independent professors are on a page-limit, further fueling speculation about the motives behind the Morrison government’s latest review.

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Rokt shows innovation in computer tech needed to cross patentability threshold
Intellectual Property 2020-05-29 8:38 pm By Christine Caulfield

In its recent decision, the Federal Court has confirmed that schemes are not patentable merely because they are “new and ingenious” and are implemented using a computer. While the door is not completely closed on computer implemented schemes, the patentability threshold will never be passed unless there is some innovation in the computer technology, says Jane Owen and Rebecca Currey of Bird & Bird.

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Government’s $721M Robodebt refund ignores damages claims, class action lawyer says
Class Actions 2020-05-29 8:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Morrison Government will refund Centrelink recipients $721 million in debts paid as part of the controversial Robodebt scheme at the centre of a class action, a move lawyers for the class called an “unprecedented admission”.

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