Insolvency firm Worrells has come out in support of partner Jason Bettles, who is facing an investigation by the corporate regulator for his work as liquidator of the Members Alliance Group of companies, saying the probe was unexpected.
The Supreme Court of Victoria has considered whether an insured buyer under a warranty and indemnity policy is entitled to indemnity from an insurer when it relied on income and liability warranties in a share sale agreement and those warranties were breached, a case that provides welcome guidance on the contractual interpretation of W&I policies, writes Justin McDonnell and Rebecca LeBherz of King & Wood Mallesons.
A Melbourne-based law firm was negligent when it advised the owners of Barflys bar and cafe in Bourke Street to settle a case against its landlords for $341,500 because of changes to the law on retail leases, an appeals court has found.
Litigation funder Augusta Ventures has brought its promised appeal of a groundbreaking ruling that put it on the hook for paying security for costs in an employment class action over the classification of casual mine workers.
Australian drug maker Juno Pharmaceuticals has hit back at claims it is infringing the patent for US-based Pfizer’s post-operative pain killer Dynastat, saying the patent is invalid.
Global chemicals giant SNF has dropped its case against rival BASF over a lucrative mining patent, the last of numerous Federal Court disputes between the companies.
An average of 23 class actions have been filed every year in Australia since the class action regime was introduced in 1992, a number that belies recent claims of an explosion in litigation, a new report by a leading class action expert says.
A former Piper Alderman partner who filed a sex discrimination case against the law firm and was ousted from the partnership months later, is pressing on with her legal action, which was stayed while her complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission played out.
The consumer watchdog is appealing a ruling dismissing its case against TPG over contract terms that allowed the internet provider to keep customers’ unused prepaid funds on phone or internet plans.
Sydney-based liquidator David Iannuzzi has been disqualified from serving as an insolvency practitioner for 10 years, in the first case brought by the Australian Tax Office under the Corporations Act’s ban on tax avoidance schemes.