A former Ernst & Young principal jailed for at least nine years for his role in a $135 million tax fraud has lost a challenge to two NSW Supreme Court orders barring access to $150 million worth of assets.
The National Tertiary Education Union has asked a court for permission to intervene in support of sacked physics professor and climate skeptic Peter Ridd as he fights James Cook University’s appeal of a $1.2 million judgment against it.
Imposing an injunction in general form against a patent infringer is not an undue burden in and of itself, the Full Federal Court has ruled in siding with printer giant Seiko Epson in its ongoing intellectual property fight with cartridge reseller Calidad.
Payday lender Cigno is appealing the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s first action under new powers to ban financial products that targeted its model of short-term credit lending.
Proposals by Australia’s banks to revise its code of conduct in line with the recommendations of the banking royal commission don’t go far enough, the consumer watchdog said Friday.
United Petroleum has been hit with legal action by the Fair Work Ombudsman, which accuses the petrol retailer of failing to produce records as part of an investigation of workplace breaches.
A group of Sydney commercial landlords whose properties were compulsorily acquired for the WestConnex project have lost an appeal seeking $56.5 million in compensation, after the Valuer-General offered them just over half that amount.
A judge overseeing a settled class action against failed Banksia Securities has rejected an application to limit a contradictor’s investigation of alleged professional misconduct on the part of the legal team and funder behind the case, saying he was satisfied there was a proper basis for the allegations.
Former Wallabies star Israel Folau offered to make a public apology for a homophobic social media slur that got him fired, a court has been told.
Perth-based Farooq Khan has taken his bitter dispute with activist investor Nicholas Bolton to court, suing Keybridge Capital and two of its four directors ahead of a general shareholder meeting next month.