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Shareholder class action against Sirtex settles mid-trial
Trials 2019-06-06 10:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

Sirtex Medical has reached a mid-trial agreement to resolve a shareholder class action that centred on the biotech company’s sales forecasts of its radiation treatment.

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Israel Folau takes Rugby Australia to Fair Work Commission over sacking
Employment 2019-06-06 10:38 pm By Christine Caulfield

Rugby player Israel Folau, who was sacked after sharing a homophobic Instagram post, has brought unfair dismissal proceedings alleging Rugby Australia and the NSW Waratahs terminated him because he is a Christian.

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ASIC fights ANZ bid to stay capital raising case as cartel action hangs over bank
ASIC 2019-06-05 8:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is pushing back against an application by ANZ Bank to stay the regulator’s civil penalties case over disclosures related to a $2.5 billion equity capital raising while it defends against criminal charges related to the controversial share placement.

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ACCC says LG should pay $700,000 for misleading customers about repair rights
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-06-03 2:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

Electronics giant LG should pay a $700,000 fine for twice breaching the Australian Consumer Law when its offshore call centre workers misled customers complaining about faulty television sets that they had no rights to a repair, replacement or refund under the law, a court has been told.

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Shine Lawyers settles shareholder class action
Class Actions 2019-05-31 11:55 pm By Christine Caulfield

Publicly-traded law firm Shine Lawyers has reached a confidential agreement to settle a class action alleging it misled shareholders about the value of ongoing business activities, the first ever settlement of a class action in Queensland.

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Class action by sailors over broken Navy training contract revived on appeal
Appeals 2019-05-31 11:55 pm By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has overturned a decision dismissing a class action on behalf of enlisted Navy sailors alleging the Commonwealth of Australian breached a contract to train them to earn engineering degrees.

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Vodafone, TPG merger would have ‘profound social consequences’, ACCC tells court
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-05-31 10:42 pm By Christine Caulfield

Allowing Vodafone’s proposed $15 billion merger with TPG to go ahead if there were a real chance that TPG could seriously compete in the market for mobile services would have “profound social consequences,” the competition watchdog told the Federal Court Friday as it unsuccessfully sought to push back a hearing over the deal.

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State Street reaches settlement with super fund in Fearless Girl trade mark spat
Intellectual Property 2019-05-30 1:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

US asset management firm State Street has dropped its trade mark case against superannuation fund HESTA over its Fearless Girl statue, after HESTA agreed to stop all marketing and promotion involving a replica of the famous New York statue.Ā 

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AMP faces class actions over allegedly excessive superannuation fees
Financial Services 2019-05-30 10:01 am By Christine Caulfield

AMP has been hit with a class action alleging it breached its duty of care to superannuation members by charging them unreasonably high fees, and a second class action is expected within weeks.

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GetSwift faces scrutiny by class action law firm after ASX trading halt
Securities 2019-05-29 9:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

The law firm running a shareholder class action against GetSwift confirmed it was looking at the events surrounding Tuesday’s trading halt by the Australian Stock Exchange but would not be amending its ongoing case against the logistics company in light of it.

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