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Barrister ends case against DLA Piper over nearly $100,000 in unpaid fees
Business of Law 2019-03-11 11:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

DLA Piper has reached an agreement with a second barrister who alleged the firm refused to pay him until its client settled the bill, according to court documents.

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Rugby Australia loses WIPO dispute over
Intellectual Property 2019-03-11 10:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

Rugby Australia, which manages national rugby union team the Wallabies, has lost its claim to the domain, which is owned by a Perth company and features pictures and links to articles about the cute marsupials.

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Liquidator loses appeal to block evidence as ATO aims at 10 year ban
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-03-11 8:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has dismissed a challenge by Veritas Advisory principal liquidator David Iannuzzi to the admissibility of evidence submitted by the Australian Taxation Office in the agency’s case seeking compensation and a 10-year ban.

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Bellamy’s keeps up fight for cost capping in joint class actions
Class Actions 2019-03-11 12:23 pm By Christine Caulfield

Baby food maker Bellamy’s is not giving up its fight to limit the costs of two shareholder class actions against the company, lodging an appeal of a ruling that shut down its cost-capping bid as premature.

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Clayton Utz hands over AMP docs to ASIC, ending legal stoush
Financial Services 2019-03-08 11:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

Legal action brought by the corporate regulator over withheld documents at the centre of an investigation into AMP’s fees for no service conduct has settled, with law firm Clayton Utz producing the evidence on Thursday.

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Bosses could go to jail under Morrison Government plan to tackle worker exploitation
Employment 2019-03-07 10:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Employers could face jail time for underpaying staff under measures unveiled by the Morrison Government Thursday that also include extending the accessorial liability provisions of the Fair Work Act.

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Class members waited too long to appeal Great Southern MIS settlement, court rules
Class Actions 2019-03-07 4:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has dashed the hopes of three group members of a resolved class action over managed investment schemes operated by agribusiness Great Southern Group who sought more time to appeal approval of the settlement deed, which put them on the hook for repaying their loans to Bendigo and Adelaide Bank.

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Judge got the maths wrong in awarding $5.6M for accounting error, Pitcher Partner says
Appeals 2019-03-07 1:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge who hit Pitcher Partners with a $5.6 million damages ruling over an accounting error concealed from corporate client Neville’s Bus Service was wrong to hold that the transport operator’s losses flowing from the error were real, the firm has argued.

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Sacked Qantas flight attendant loses appeal over Manhattan martini drinking spree
Employment 2019-03-06 9:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former Qantas flight attendant who was sacked after getting drunk on peach martinis at a bar while off duty in Manhattan has lost an appeal of a finding that the airline had valid reasons for dismissing him.

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Mylan wants injunctions against Sun Pharma, Cipla over generic cholesterol drug
Intellectual Property 2019-03-06 3:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

Mylan has renewed calls for a temporary injunction against Sun Pharma pending an appeal of a ruling invalidating its patents for Lipidil, and has sued a second generic drug maker, Cipla, over the cholesterol-lowering medication.

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