Singapore real estate asset manager CapitaLand is still looking for an executive accused of stealing $2.7 million, eight months after securing freezing orders against him, a court has heard.
A state parliament inquiry is underway into the supply of homes in regional Victoria amid a critical housing shortage.
Super Retail Group’s former top lawyer is fighting the dismissal of her application for performance of a settlement she says was reached following her dismissal from the company.
Disgraced barrister Norman O’Bryan will seek to grill two witnesses for the prosecution in a criminal case accusing the former silk of attempting to fraudulently obtain $1.3 million in fees.
Law firm Maddocks has advised Simonds Group on its $10 million pick-up of Dennis Family Homes, an acquisition expected to generate $200 million in additional revenue for the homebuilder next year.
Two law firms have joined forces in a second class action on behalf of publishers alleging Google misused its dominance in the digital advertising market.
Telstra has paid a $394,380 penalty for shirking its obligation to check internet speeds when migrating customers to the NBN.
Lendlease’s appeal of the NSW Valuer General’s land value determinations of luxury residential tower One Circular Quay has prevailed.
Advised by Arnold Bloch Leibler, fund manager Merricks Capital has sold the $155M Melbourne Place Hotel after it opened in the Paris end of the CBD in December.
Real estate lawyer Vicki Aron has joined Clayton Utz’s Sydney office as a partner after seven years at Ashurst.