The High Court has rejected an appeal by a mortgage broker in a saga stretching back a decade, when the corporate regulator imposed a lifelong ban against the broker for failing to disclose a conviction on his credit licence application.
A court has issued an injunction against the Russian-linked hacking group that accessed troves of data from HWL Ebsworth, including client information, as the law firm details the cost and time spent responding to the breach.
Optus has agreed to rebrand products that Boost Tel claimed had infringed on its trade marks, inĀ a settlement of the rivals’ intellectual property spat.
Notional GST payments by local councils under an intergovernmental agreement with the Commonwealth are a voluntary act, not an impermissible tax in breach of the Constitution, the High Court has ruled.
A $438,000 settlement in a class action accusing a unit of engineering company CIMIC of underpaying casual aluminium construction and manufacturing workers has won court approval.
The former chief financial officer of Big Un has become the third person to be charged with insider trading connected to shares in the defunct video producer.
Armaguard and rival Prosegur have secured authorisation for their proposed merger from the ACCC, which has found the likely reduction in competition in the cash transport industry was outweighed by the public benefits of the transaction.
The Australian Taxation Office has won a long-running case over an international tax evasion scheme by a company linked to the Binetter family after uncovering evidence showing earlier judgments were secured by fraud.
The defendants in a trade mark infringement case by the Pokemon Company were the victims of identity theft and were wrongly named in the suit, a court has heard.
With truth on its side, Nine’s defeat of soldier Ben Roberts-Smith’s lawsuit was a huge win for investigative journalism in Australia, but while it might make lawyers blink before bringing defamation cases, the victory is not a game-changer, experts say.