Macpherson Kelley is headed for trial next week in a case that alleges the law firm bungled the execution of a 10-year lease agreement with Shell for a service station in Melbourne, giving the energy giant an extra 320 square metres equating to $2.5 million in lost rent for its landlord client.
Herbert Smith Freehills has appointed technology law specialist Cameron Whittfield as part of its plan to be a dominant global player in the technology, cyber security and digital space.
Investors have lost their class action against Perth-based Iluka Resources, the latest shareholder class action to fail after pushing through to trial.
The corporate regulator has confirmed it has questioned the brother of former Nuix CFO Stephen Doyle and might seek further examination as part of its ongoing investigation of the troubled tech company.
Franchisees of the Hog’s Breath Cafe restaurant chain must pay $1.23 million in security for legal costs in their class action against the franchisor, and the matter is stayed until they can pony up the first installment.
The former CEO of Blue Star Helium is challenging a ruling that slugged him with a $40,000 penalty and a four-year ban for failing to disclose to shareholders the identify of the buyer behind a botched sale of Texas oil assets.
The solicitor who was found to have acted as a “postbox” to conceal conflicts of interest in the Banksia class action has lost his practicing certificate ahead of a hearing to show cause why he should remain on the roll.
An appeals court has dismissed a second attempt by Meta and Instagram to shut down a misuse of market power case by a Melbourne-based social media startup.
Salter Brothers’ multmillion dollar investment in advisory firm Hendry Group is worthless, a court has been told in the fund manager’s case alleging it was the victim of miseleading representations.
Queensland-based RMS Engineering and Construction has settled a class action alleging it refused to give staff meal breaks and threatened those who complained about excessive hours.