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Law firm expresses ‘regret’ as Aveo pays just $11M to settle class action
Class Actions 2023-03-28 4:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against Aveo Group has settled for $11 million mid trial, with the law firm that brought the case expressing regret for any “distress or anxiety” it caused and acknowledging the retirement village provider’s contracts with residents were lawful. 

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Latitude faces class action investigation over data breach
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2023-03-28 3:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two class action law firms have teamed up to investigate possible legal action against Latitude Financial over a cyberattack that resulted in the theft of 14 million customer records.

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Hancock Prospecting must hand over docs to Rinehart children
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-03-28 2:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting has lost its bid to avoid producing documents to Bianca Rinehart and John Hancock after a judge rejected arguments the Rinehart children were abusing the court’s processes in a long-running dispute over ownership of a valuable mining tenement.

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Court needs novel approaches for class actions or ‘system will collapse’, judge says
Class Actions 2023-03-27 2:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing a competition class action against Queensland power companies Stanwell and CS Energy has warned that judges need to be inventive in how they manage large group proceedings, otherwise the “system will collapse”.

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Five years after class action filed, BHP denies knowledge of dam collapse risk
Class Actions 2023-03-27 11:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

In a class action long delayed by a battle over foreign shareholders, BHP Group has finally filed a defence, denying it misled shareholders over a failed Brazilian dam and saying knowledge about the risk of collapse cannot be imputed to the Melbourne-headquartered energy giant.

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Johnson Winter Slattery poaches real estate ace from Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Real Estate 2023-03-27 10:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Johnson Winter Slattery has lured a long time Corrs Chambers Westgarth lawyer to join its real estate team in Melbourne as a special counsel.

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Linchpin class action settles with directors, continues against AIG
Class Actions 2023-03-24 10:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

An investor class action has reached a settlement with four former directors of defunct Linchpin Capital, leaving only allegations against AIG Insurance, which is allegedly seeking to withdraw an admission that directors were insured under a D&O policy. 

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J&J knee implant class action member can claim damages despite WorkSafe payout
Class Actions 2023-03-24 5:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A group member in a class action against J&J unit Depuy International can receive compensation for out of pocket expenses associated with an alleged defective knee implant, despite having been paid by WorkSafe Victoria, a court has found.

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Murdoch wants court to decide if Crikey defamed him before trial
Media 2023-03-24 10:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Fox News CEO Lachlan Murdoch wants a court to decide before trial whether a Crikey article published last year that allegedly linked him to the US Capital riot was defamatory. 

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Full Court finds ACCC misstepped by not bringing ‘major failures’ case against Mazda
Appeals 2023-03-23 3:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Mazda have both lost their appeals in a case over the car manufacturer’s ‘appalling’ customer service, with three judges questioning the regulator’s decisions in how it ran the case.

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