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IAG agent at heart of controversial Greensill funding wins more time for defence
Insurance 2022-08-10 2:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Fired underwriter Greg Brereton has been granted an extension to respond to lawsuits targeting Insurance Australia Group over trade credit policies covering $4.6 billion in loans issued by collapsed Greensill Capital. 

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‘Micromanaging’ slow-going Allianz class action may be unavoidable, judge says
Insurance 2022-08-09 11:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has pulled up three legal teams over slow progress in a class action against Allianz over add-on car insurance, saying lawyers’ correspondence to the court may force her to “micromanage” the proceeding.

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3A Composites wins push for detailed claims in cladding class action
Class Actions 2022-08-09 1:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered that the lead applicant in a class action against German cladding manufacturer 3A Composites give further details on how its allegedly combustible cladding caused losses for property owners.

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‘Tear it up’: Judge censures silk in $650M Mercedes-Benz dealer lawsuit
Trials 2022-08-08 11:31 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A court has directed a senior barrister acting in a $650 million lawsuit against Mercedes-Benz to “tear up” a letter his instructing solicitors sent concerning the judge’s ownership of a Mercedes vehicle, and said he was “surprised” the counsel signed off on it.

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Virgin says funder’s $5M security in investor class action ‘unsatisfactory’
Class Actions 2022-08-08 2:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Virgin Airlines has argued a litigation funder’s indemnity for its legal costs is not enough for it to bring a class action on behalf of bond holders over a 2019 prospectus, claiming the airline expects to spend more than $5 million defending the proceedings.

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Class action wants insurance policy info from Dixon Advisory
Class Actions 2022-08-08 2:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action on behalf of former clients of collapsed wealth manager Dixon Advisory has filed a court bid for information on any insurance policy held by the business that might cover the mammoth claims, estimated to be worth between $278 million and $463 million.

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Nimble Money wins appeal in shareholder’s bid to peek at books
Financial Services 2022-08-08 11:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The largest shareholder in payday lender Nimble has lost its challenge to a decision blocking it from accessing company documents about an impending debt refinance, with an appeals court finding the investor’s concerns had “an air of commercial unreality”.

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Mitsubishi loses appeal, court finds Triton fuel economy label misleading
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-08-05 2:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Mitsubishi Motors has lost its legal challenge to a decision that found it made misleading fuel efficiency representations on a label affixed to the windshield of a Triton 4WD sold in 2017.

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‘Serious allegations’ against Pitcher Partners to be heard in NSW
Accounting 2022-08-05 10:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has denied a bid by accounting firm Pitcher Partners to transfer a $127 million lawsuit brought by the Twigg family, saying he was best placed to hear “serious allegations” the firm helped race car driver Max Twigg give a false understanding of his company’s assets.

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EY settlement in class action over Slater & Gordon audits approved
Securities 2022-08-05 2:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has blessed Ernst & Young’s settlement with shareholders in a class action alleging the firm, along with Pitcher Partners, approved an overly rosy year-end financial report related to Slater & Gordon’s disastrous $1.2 billion acquisition of UK business Quindell.

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