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Law firms need to do more to boost diversity in legal profession, NSW Law Society says
Business of Law 2021-10-22 9:47 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW Law Society says law firms should consider equitable briefing and setting quotas to improve cultural diversity in the legal profession, saying more needs to be done to make the industry more inclusive.

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CIMIC spars with insurers over coverage for Iraq bribery cases
Insurance 2021-10-20 3:48 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Engineering services firm CIMIC Group has launched proceedings against ten insurers seeking indemnity for costs arising from allegations the company engaged in corrupt practices, including bribing government officials in Iraq.

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Judge rejects bid to shut down Guvera class action
Class Actions 2021-10-20 9:04 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected a request to discontinue a class action on behalf of investors in failed music streaming platform Guvera, saying it was “difficult to understand” why the applicants had launched the case as a class action in the first place.

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Crane maker NQCranes loses bid to strike out ACCC’s cartel case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-10-20 12:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Queensland crane company NQCranes has lost its bid to strike out the bulk of the ACCC’s amended case alleging it engaged in a conspiracy with a multinational rival to divide the Brisbane and Newcastle markets.

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Virtus ‘author of its own fate’ if Adora acquisition fails, judge says
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-10-19 9:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

IVF provider Virtus Health would be “the author of its own fate” if its proposed acquisition of rival Adora Fertility flopped, a judge has said in hearing the ACCC’s bid for a temporary injunction blocking completion of the planned purchase.

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Christian Porter dodges committee examination of secret donations
Defamation 2021-10-21 1:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The federal government has shot down a Labor push for the privileges committee to examine former Attorney-General Christian Porter after he refused to reveal information about an anonymous donor that covered a portion of his costs in defamation proceedings against the ABC.

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Trial in Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation case delayed to 2022
Defamation 2021-10-15 9:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has adjourned trial in the defamation case by accused war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith to early 2022, saying relocation was not practical after COVID-19 restrictions prevented Fairfax’s witnesses travelling to Sydney.

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Companies ‘contemptuous’ of merger review rules, ACCC chair says
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-10-15 2:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

ACCC chair Rod Sims has spoken out about the move by IVF provider Virtus to complete its planned acquisition of rival Adora before clearance from the watchdog, saying the situation showed the need for merger review reform.

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High Court tosses appeal of sacked climate-skeptic professor
High Court 2021-10-13 7:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has thrown out sacked climate skeptic professor Peter Ridd’s appeal of his dismissal by James Cook University, finding protection of intellectual freedom is not a “general freedom of speech”.

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Claims trimmed in COVID-19 public housing class action
Class Actions 2021-10-13 1:33 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action over a public housing lockdown during Melbourne’s second COVID-19 wave in July last year is seeking to discontinue battery and negligence claims against the Victorian government, a court has heard.

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