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GST class action likely to be dropped after funder bows out
Class Actions 2022-05-05 4:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The future of a class action against a Canberra property developer accused of misleading investors about GST on their apartments is in doubt after the litigation funder withdrew support for the “uneconomic” case.

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‘Just a fishing expedition’: Quintis class action can’t see EY meeting docs
Class Actions 2022-05-05 4:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Shareholders bringing a class action against Quintis have lost their bid for Ernst & Young to hand over documents from two meetings with a director of the sandalwood supplier, after a judge found they did not get “within a bull’s roar” of showing the accounting firm’s discovery was inadequate.

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Qantas, TWU lose appeals over axing of 1,800 ground staff
Employment 2022-05-04 11:34 am By Cindy Cameronne

Qantas and the Transport Workers Union both lost their appeals Wednesday of a judge’s decision finding the airline had decided to axe 1,800 ground staff partly to prevent employees bringing industrial action but refusing to reinstate the workers. The airline has vowed to take the case to the High Court.

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Fairfax sued by synagogue head over ‘gossipy, mocking, sensational’ Age report
Defamation 2022-05-04 5:39 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Former synagogue president and Victorian Liberal party treasurer David Mond is suing Nine-owned Fairfax, The Age and two journalists for defamation over three articles accusing him of deciding to host a speech by a convicted spy.

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Peter Dutton says ‘mental gymnastics’ needed for activist’s reading of ‘rape apologist’ tweet
Defamation 2022-05-03 3:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Counsel for Peter Dutton has told a court a reader needed to do “mental gymnastics” to understand activist Shane Bazzi’s “rape apologist” tweet as saying the minister doubted rape allegations rather than “excused” the act of rape.

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Nine not meeting defamation case ‘head on’, says bank boss accused of tax evasion
Defamation 2022-05-03 9:11 pm By Cindy Cameronne

CEO and founder of Euro Pacific Bank Peter Schiff says Nine is refusing to meet his case “head on” in its defence to defamation claims over a 60 Minutes episode accusing the bank boss of endorsing tax evasion and helping figures in organised crime.

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Keybridge’s Bolton grilled over 1 min call he says secured ‘firm’ deal with Bell Potter
Trials 2022-05-02 9:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Keybridge Capital managing director Nicholas Bolton has been grilled over a phone call in April 2015 lasting one minute and 18 seconds in which the activist investor claims Bell Potter bound its client to buy $10 million worth of shares in defunct Molopo Energy.

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Deep sleep therapy case re-awakened as Full Court grants appeal
Defamation 2022-04-29 10:19 am By Cindy Cameronne

Two psychiatrists who administered the controversial deep sleep therapy at the Chelmsford Private Hospital in the 1970s have won a Full Federal Court appeal in their defamation cases against publisher HarperCollins, with one of the cases being sent back for a re-trial.

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Judge won’t stay Australian Mud Company’s bid for $40M in damages for drilling patent infringement
Intellectual Property 2022-04-29 5:48 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Mining tool company Globaltech has lost its bid to delay Australian Mud Company’s case, on foot since 2016, which seeks $39.9 million in damages for its rival’s infringement of a mining tool patent.

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Funder to seek cut of up to 25% in $2B Toyota class action
Class Actions 2022-04-28 8:52 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A litigation funder will seek a commission of up to 25 per cent in a class action against Toyota that could see the automotive giant owe close to $2 billion to 260,000 car owners after a judge found diesel filters in its cars were defective.

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