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eSafety commissioner can’t maintain injunction against X over church stabbing footage
Social Media 2024-05-13 10:29 am By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has refused to issue a further injunction against X Corp in proceedings by the eSafety Commissioner seeking the removal of posts that depict a stabbing at a Sydney church after raising concerns the order could become an “object of ridicule”. 

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Deloitte senior manager can’t bring unfair dimissal case out of time
Employment 2024-05-13 3:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former senior manager at Deloitte terminated for alleged inappropriate conduct in the workplace has lost her bid to bring an unfair dismissal claim out of time, despite the Fair Work Commission finding her case had merit.

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Class action against forex trader Best Leader Markets undefended, court told
Class Actions 2024-05-13 2:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Perth-based forex trader that allegedly failed to return investors’ funds or any profits made on trading has taken no steps in the undefended class action, a court has heard.

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Judge worries about making court orders ‘object of ridicule’ in X case over stabbing videos
Social Media 2024-05-10 11:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has expressed concerns that issuing a further injunction against X Corp in proceedings by the eSafety Commissioner seeking the removal of posts that depict a stabbing at a Sydney church would make the court’s orders an “object of ridicule” since the social media company cannot be forced to comply.

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‘Vibe’ will not suffice: Female pilot can’t bring claims that Qantas culture was hostile to women
Employment 2024-05-09 11:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has refused to allow a female pilot to bring claims that Qantas engaged in sex discrimination because it had a culture that was “hostile to women”, saying that while the ‘vibe’ of a claim might suffice in the court of public opinion, it could not survive in a court of record.

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Class action members have broader limitations protection than lead plaintiffs: appeals court
Class Actions 2024-05-09 2:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Group members enjoy broader protection against the running of limitation periods than lead plaintiffs in class actions, an appeals court has said in finding that commercial fishing operators heading a class action against Gladstone Ports could not bring new claims out of time. 

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Bonza administrators must preserve creditors’ right to replace them despite bar on resolutions: judge
Restructuring & Insolvency 2024-05-09 4:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has expressed concerns that measures implemented to deal with the large number of Bonza creditors expected at the first creditors meeting on Friday unintentionally “foreclosed” on their right to vote to replace Hall Chadwick as administrators.

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Bruce Lehrmann had no win, no fee agreement with defamation law firm, court told
Defamation 2024-05-08 12:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Bruce Lehrmann had no behind-the-scenes financial backer for his failed and costly defamation case against Network Ten but had entered a no win, no fee arrangement with his solicitors, a court has heard.

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Livestream of Mark Latham trial may be cut off if parties face Lehrmann-like social media backlash
Defamation 2024-05-08 1:21 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Counsel for independent Sydney member Alex Greenwich has raised concerns about livestreaming the trial in his defamation case against former NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham after witnessing the “astonishing” and “very disturbing” social media commentary during the Bruce Lehrmann trial.

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High Court clarifies law on reliance damages in contract spats
Contracts 2024-05-08 3:54 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has held that a contractor had a “prima facie entitlement” to recoup the costs of building an aircraft hangar in Cessnock, NSW, which it spent in reliance on the local government performing its obligations under their contract, in a case that clarifies how courts should assess reliance damages claims. 

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