Citing public interest immunity, Homes Victoria has won a bid for Cabinet documents to be kept confidential in a class action levelled by public housing tenants.
Law firm White & Case has advised super fund Cbus and private markets manager CVC on the sale of their combined renewable energy asset portfolio to Potentia Energy.
New rules requiring strata managers to disclose conflicts of interests and kickbacks to owners have come into effect in New South Wales.
The makers of Grand Theft Auto have largely succeeded in a copyright case against the developer behind the “Infamous Mod” — a hack that alters the capabilities of players in the online version of the top-selling game.
A Sydney premium property developer has been slapped with a freezing order that prohibits it from disposing of assets over $10.6 million as it faces a defects suit from the owners corporation of a Milsons Point tower.
Seven Network and Chanel 7 have been hit with a $200,000 defamation judgment for implying three men involved an incident during a 2020 NRL match were racist.
A judge has disqualified himself from presiding over a victimisation case lodged by Queensland senator Pauline Hanson against former colleague Brian Burston.
A Sydney law firm and its principal have been ordered to pay over $1.2 million to a former client after the solicitor was found to have failed to give proper advice about a hotel purchase.
Defunct Westpac mortgage broker RAMS has reached a settlement in a trade mark stoush with fund manager Real Asset Management.
Gilbert + Tobin has welcomed partner Stanley Mok to its banking and infrastructure practice in the firm’s Sydney office.