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Puma loses appeal bid in trade mark fight with Caterpillar
Intellectual Property 2022-09-09 10:30 pm By Sam Matthews

Puma has failed in its bid for leave to appeal a decision that found its ā€˜Procatā€™ trade mark was deceptively similar to US machinery manufacturer Caterpillarā€™s CAT marks.

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Pitcher Partners to pay $41M to settle class action over Slater & Gordon audits
Class Actions 2022-09-08 2:04 pm By Sam Matthews

Following a three-week trial, Pitcher Partners has agreed to pay $41 million to settle a shareholder class action alleging the firm, along with Ernst & Young, approved an overly rosy year-end financial report related to Slater & Gordon’s disastrous $1.2 billion acquisition of UK business Quindell.

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Cartel case dropped against director of money transfer biz
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-09-08 11:05 am By Sam Matthews

The director of a money transfer business accused of fixing foreign exchange rates has been let off the hook after four other people associated with the business entered guilty pleas to six charges of criminal cartel conduct.Ā 

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ClubsNSW can’t hide contempt of court case against YouTube’s Jordan Shanks
Employment 2022-09-08 5:03 pm By Sam Matthews

ClubsNSW has lost a bid to keep its contempt of court case against whistleblower Troy Stolz and YouTuber Jordan Shanks secret, with a judge finding ā€œthe interests of open justice are paramountā€.

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In loss for TerraCom, Full Court finds ASIC can view PwC report
Appeals 2022-09-07 12:57 pm By Sam Matthews

Coal mining firm TerraCom has lost its Full Court bid to shield a PricewaterhouseCoopers report from ASIC, on appeal from a judgment which found the regulator could view the report because of public statements made by the company.

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Court tosses suit against Wilsons over wealth advisor who jumped ship
Employment 2022-09-07 12:25 am By Sam Matthews

Wilsons Advisory and Stockbroking has dodged a claim by rival Elston Private Wealth over a veteran employee who jumped ship with confidential information.

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Finished: Powerball detergent maker loses trade mark case
Intellectual Property 2022-09-06 2:54 pm By Sam Matthews

The maker of Finish dishwashing products has had two of its trade marks struck from the register after losing an intellectual property suit against an emerging rival.

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Nine sued for defamation over ‘Million Dollar Murders’ episode
Defamation 2022-09-06 4:58 pm By Sam Matthews

A man has sued Nine over an episode of a true crime show which he alleges depicted him as a suspect in the unsolved murder of a teenaged girl in 1997.

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iSignthis auditor Grant Thornton hit with criminal charges
Accounting 2022-09-01 11:23 pm By Sam Matthews

Grant Thornton and former director Bradley Taylor appeared in court Thursday, facing charges of failing to ensure the 2018 audit of fintech firm iSignthis was conducted in accordance with auditing standards.

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Fuji Xerox, EY settle suit over $450M accounting scandal
Accounting 2022-09-01 11:44 pm By Sam Matthews

Fuji Xerox and Ernst & Young have settled a lawsuit over $450 million in alleged accounting irregularities that also ensnared an EY partner and two senior Fuji executives.

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