Law firm Colin Biggers & Paisley has appointed a former Lander & Rogers consultant to lead its property insurance team.
The developers of a Brunswick Heads housing estate have the OK to raise a new defence to injunctions sought by an environmental group.
Power company Callide has been hit with a $9 million penalty for âvery seriousâ contraventions of the National Electricity Rules that led to an explosion at a coal-fired power station.
The former CFO of Star Entertainment has reached a settlement in ASIC’s case accusing ten executives of breaching their duties in relation to the casino operator’s lax money laundering compliance.
The High Court has dismissed an appeal of a finding that a successor trustee owes no fiduciary duty to a former trustee to preserve an entitlement to indemnification.
Crown has sued Lendlease and a host of other companies that signed off on the use of combustible cladding on the façade of the Metropol in Southbank, which it says resulted in two years of expensive rectification work.
The Northern Territory government is fighting a false imprisonment and wrongful death class action by the family of an Indigenous woman who died at a COVID-19 quarantine facility.
A judge has rejected an âambitious and novelâ freezing order sought by a creditor and former associate of bankrupt Graaf Group founder Gennaro Autore over a $22 million boutique hotel in Potts Point.
A judge has rejected a new pleading that would have upped the damages to $135 million in a case by a shareholder of failed energy company Armour Group alleging law firm Baker McKenzie was knowingly involved in a plan to take control of the company for cheap.
The government of India has overturned a finding that it couldnât dodge a $111.3 million arbitral award in a dispute with three Mauritian companies, with an appeals court finding it did not waive foreign state immunity in the case. Â