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RAMS mulls cross-claim against franchisees in class action
Class Actions 2024-06-13 2:24 pm By Sam Matthews

Westpac subsidiary RAMS has flagged a cross-claim against disgruntled franchisees who say their agreements were terminated without proper cause, citing possible breaches of the National Credit Act. 

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‘So far on the wrong side’: Santos wants more evidence of EDO’s conduct in Barossa pipeline case
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-06-12 11:29 pm By Sam Matthews

Santos is seeking to wrangle further documents from the Environmental Defenders Office to support its bid for costs orders against the law firm, telling a court there must have been “glaring deficiencies” in the standard of its services in running its challenge to construction of a pipeline for the energy company’s $5.6 billion Barossa gas project.

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Judge throws out suit against Slater & Gordon over Allegro takeover
Corporate 2024-06-12 2:39 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has thrown out a shareholder’s case against Slater & Gordon over the firm’s takeover by private equity firm Allegro, after finding the firm was not the proper target for the claims. 

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‘The whole purpose is undermined’: Judge irked by referee pick in AUSTRAC case against Star
Simon White 2024-06-11 3:26 pm By Sam Matthews

The judge overseeing AUSTRAC’s case against Star Entertainment has questioned the parties’ agreement to refer questions of fact and law to a former judge for determination, rather than an anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing expert. 

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Cargill wins IP case against company that tried to intercept $10.8M payment
Intellectual Property 2024-06-11 11:45 pm By Sam Matthews

Cargill has won a trade mark infringement case against a company that a judge said appeared to be operating an “internet scam” to intercept a $10 million payment to the multinational food company.

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Ex-principal settles with Cranbrook, pursues ABC over Four Corners episode
Media 2024-06-11 3:37 pm By Sam Matthews

The former headmaster of exclusive Sydney school Cranbrook has settled a dispute with his former employer after it admitted a public statement concerning his management of misconduct allegations against a teacher “may have caused confusion”, but will press on with a complaint against the ABC over the Four Corners episode that sparked the controversy. 

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Barry Nilsson failed to alert client until costs were 5x original estimate, lawsuit says
Business of Law 2024-06-07 11:37 pm By Sam Matthews

Law firm Barry Nilsson has been hit with proceedings by a former client who says was not informed the initial costs estimate of $6,000 provided by the firm had ballooned to $50,000 until her costs exceeded $32,000.

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Founders of streetwear retailer City Beach win $52M fight with ATO
Tax 2024-06-07 11:24 pm By Sam Matthews

The founders of streetwear retailer City Beach have won a fight with the ATO over the taxation of a $52 million disposal of pre-capital gains tax assets.

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Class action against BHP can amend shareholder group after ‘inadvertent mistake’
Class Actions 2024-06-06 1:20 pm By Sam Matthews

The judge overseeing a six-year-old class action against BHP over the collapse of a Brazilian dam has allowed the applicant to retroactively amend the group definition, accepting that a pleading mistake was contrary to the intended class membership in the case.

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‘No more indulgence’: Firm that took over class actions can’t redo beauty parade bid
Class Actions 2024-06-06 11:09 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge will not allow a law firm that stepped in to lead class actions against Hyundai and Kia to amend its funding proposal to seek a group costs order ahead of a carriage fight, even though its proposal would have led to greater returns for group members.

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