The funder that backed a shareholder class action against engineering firm CIMIC that settled for $45.25 million will take a cut to its 25 per cent commission, but wants the court to find the commission would otherwise have been reasonable.
The Supreme Court of Victoria has been urged not to meddle with a 25 per cent group costs order in a junk insurance class action that settled for $170 million, in what would be the court’s second blessing of a law firm contingency fee.
A judge is concerned that if he approves all payouts sought by lawyers and funders from a $13.5 million settlement in a class action against a Quintis director, group members will only he left with just 18 per cent.
A judge has signalled he will approve a $500,000 settlement in an underpayments class action against labour hire company Stellar Personnel, but has grilled the applicant’s law firm over costs.
The High Court has agreed to weigh in on when uncommon use of land amounts to a nuisance in a class action by small business owners over Sydney’s light rail construction.
A judge has approved a $3 million settlement in a class action against Nine over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots.
Medibank is seeking to shield from a shareholder class action an “irrelevant” post-incident report by Deloitte into its massive October 2022 data breach.
The High Court has been asked to revive a class action over Sydney’s light rail construction and weigh in on whether litigation funders can claim their commissions as damages.
An appeals court has dismissed a class action on behalf of small businesses over alleged nuisance caused by the construction of Sydney’s $3 billion light rail network.
A court has been asked to bless a “substantial” $3 million settlement in a class action against Nine over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots.