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Melbourne law firm wins bid to declass group proceeding over legal advice
Class Actions 2025-02-18 5:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has stripped a group proceeding against a Melbourne law firm of class action status, finding each of the firm’s 700 clients had ā€œfactually discreteā€ claims.Ā 

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Class action over ‘cookie cutter’ legal advice says declassing application should wait
Class Actions 2024-11-18 11:33 pm By Andy Sidler

A class action alleging Knowmore Legal Service provided negligent ā€œcookie cutterā€ legal advice to sexual abuse survivors has argued a hearing on declassing and strike-out applications should be put on hold.

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High Court says church not vicariously liable for historic abuse
High Court 2024-11-13 11:54 pm By Andy Sidler

The Catholic church can’t be on the hook for sexual abuse by priests because the principle of vicarious liability is limited to the employment relationship, the High Court has found.

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