A judge has thrown out a long-running class action on behalf of 20 local councils in NSW alleging insurer JLT Risk Solutions charged them hundreds of millions of dollars in excessive premiums over nine years.
A class action against KPMG over the failure of six managed investment schemes for eucalyptus wood in Tasmania can’t add new claims against the accounting firm three months out from trial.
A court has found that flying flags associated with the Eureka Rebellion or displaying material bearing union mottos and indicia at construction sites contravenes the Building Code.
An appeals court has unanimously rejected the Commissioner of Taxation’s latest bid to block Shell’s $2.3 billion tax deduction for the cost of exploration activities conducted as part of the Browse LNG project off the coast of Western Australia.
Insurance broker JLT Risk Solutions has opposed an application by a group of NSW councils to add misleading and deceptive conduct allegations to a long-running class action, claiming the changes would force the vacation of a five-week trial due to start in October.
The ATO is challenging a judge’s decision to allow oil giant Shell Australia $2.2 billion in deductions for the cost of certain exploration activities conducted under an acquisition that increased its stake in Woodside Energy’s Browse Basin gas exploration joint venture project.
Fossil fuel giant Shell Australia has partially won a challenge to a tax office decision denying deductions claimed over an acquisition the increased the company’s stake in Woodside Energy’s Browse Basin gas exploration joint venture project.
Insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson has lost its bid to shut down a class action brought on behalf of NSW local councils, with a judge finding it was “entirely appropriate” for the case to proceed as a class action.
Trial is set to begin February 2 in a $100 million shareholder class action against Woolworths over a February 2015 profit downgrade that allegedly led to a drop in the company’s share price.
Billionaire Clive Palmer has lost his challenge to Western Australia’s COVID-19 border lockdown, with the High Court tossing the case after finding the state’s measures were constitutionally valid.