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Uber loses bid to pare back taxi driver class action
Class Actions 2023-02-20 10:34 am By Sam Matthews

A judge has dismissed Uber’s application to trim down a class action brought by taxi and hire car drivers in four states over the introduction of UberX, finding that cutting claims related to the hire care driver group would cause “real prejudice”.

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Uber looks to trim taxi driver class action
Class Actions 2023-02-10 4:36 pm By Sam Matthews

Uber wants to trim a class action by taxi and hire drivers in four states over the introduction of UberX, saying the case lacks coherence.

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Uber loses fight to protect advice by lawyers sought to ‘avoid being caught’
Class Actions 2022-10-28 1:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Uber has lost its challenge to a decision that found many of its email exchanges with lawyers were made in furtherance of offences at the centre of class action claims and were not protected by legal professional privilege.

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Victims of fake Sydney plastic surgeon Leslie Blackstock can’t sue insurers
Insurance 2022-09-08 5:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two alleged victims of a former Sydney doctor who pretended to be a plastic surgeon and performed breast augmentation surgeries that left them injured cannot make claims against Avant Insurance, an appeals court has ruled. 

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$1M security for costs ordered in Jabiru Satellite case against major banks
Financial Services 2022-09-08 1:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered Australian telecommunications companies Jabiru Satellite and NewSat to pay $1 million in security for costs in a lawsuit against eight major banks alleging they wrongfully withdrew financial support for Australia’s first independently owned satellite.

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Globaltech’s mining survey patent faces second challenge
Appeals 2022-08-10 10:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A Globaltech patent for mining survey tools is facing another test, with rival technology company Reflex Technologies lodging an appeal after its invalidity challenge flopped.

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Uber appeals ‘overbroad’ ruling in fight over privileged documents
Class Actions 2022-07-18 5:03 pm By Sam Matthews

Uber is challenging a ruling that found many email exchanges with its lawyers were made in furtherance of offences and were not protected by legal professional privilege, saying it would be forced to hand over to a class action “bog standard” legal advice.

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Reflex fails to prove invalidity of Globaltech patent for devices sold to Boart Longyear
Intellectual Property 2022-07-14 2:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Technology company Reflex Instruments has lost its challenge to rival Globaltech’s patent for two mining survey tools, with a judge finding Reflex had not established the technology wasn’t novel and lacked an inventive step.

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Uber appeals ruling it sought legal advice on how not to get ‘caught’
Class Actions 2022-05-31 2:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Uber has appealed a ruling that found many of its email exchanges with its lawyers were made in furtherance of offences at the centre of a class action and were not protected by legal professional privilege.

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Judge baulks at funder’s 70% commission for case over NewSat collapse
Restructuring & Insolvency 2022-04-19 3:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

NewSat investor Rockgold Holdings has lost its bid to appoint a special purpose liquidator to run a lawsuit against eight major banks after a judge found its proposed 70 per cent funding fee “wholly disproportionate”.

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