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Former NSW ministers Eddie Obeid, Ian Macdonald found guilty of conspiracy
Breaking News 2021-07-19 2:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has found former NSW Labor Ministers Ian McDonald and Eddie Obeid, as well as Obeid’s son Moses, guilty of conspiring to rig a tender process for a coal mining exploration licence on the Obeids’ land in the Bylong Valley.

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In third bank action brought over Forum Finance scandal, SMBC seeks $99MĀ 
Financial Services 2021-07-14 6:34 pm By Miklos Bolza

Japanese bankng giant SMBC has emerged as the latest lender with exposure to an alleged fraud carried out by Sydney-based Forum Finance, with proceedings filed seeking recovery of almost $99 million it says it paid to a unit of Forum Group and controversial director Bill Papas.

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Forum Finance placed in liquidation, with ‘peripatetic’ director still abroad
Financial Services 2021-07-09 3:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Federal Court has ordered the winding up of Forum Finance, which has been accused by Westpac and French investment bank Societe Generale of a $263 million fraud, as details of the company’s jetsetting director’s planned return to Australia from Europe remain murky.

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