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Cosmetic surgery class action faces battle over plan to drop doctor from case
Class Actions 2025-02-21 11:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against Sydney doctor Daniel Lanzer and several of his associates over alleged botched cosmetic surgeries wants to drop its claims against one doctor, but other defendants have taken issue.

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Sumo Power cops $10M penalty for prohibited phone sales
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-12-06 11:58 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Power and gas company Sumo has been ordered to pay a $10 million penalty for engaging in prohibited ‘door-to-door’ phone sales, the largest penalty for breaches of Victoria’s energy laws.

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Pelican Point power station owner scores partial win in case over 2017 blackouts
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-09-20 11:17 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has rejected the energy regulator’s claims that the owner of the Pelican Point power station in Adelaide failed to disclose its complete generator capacity to the energy market operator for months, contributing to rolling blackouts during a 2017 heatwave.

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Parking detection patents infringed by SARB’s Pinforce sensors, judge finds
Intellectual Property 2023-06-26 12:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Tech company Vehicle Management Systems has won a long-running patent infringement dispute with rival SARB over a sensor-based system the City of Melbourne uses for timing parked vehicles. 

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Last stop for ACCC as High Court refuses leave to appeal Pacific National, Aurizon deal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-12-08 1:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ACCC has reached the end of the line in its challenge to Pacific National’s $205 million acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland, with the High Court dismissing the competition regulator’s application to take up the appeal.

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ACCC takes Pacific National, Aurizon terminal deal challenge to High Court
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-06-26 10:15 am By Christine Caulfield

The competition regulator wants the High Court to hear its challenge to Pacific National’s $205 million acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland, saying the deal would entrench the rail freight carrier’s near monopoly on the east coast of Australia.

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ACCC loses appeal over $205M Pacific National, Aurizon terminal deal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-05-06 5:41 pm By Miklos Bolza

The ACCC has come up short in its appeal of a ruling that dismissed its challenge to Pacific National $205 million acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland, with the Full Federal Court also releasing Pacific National from an undertaking given to the court.

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Judge should be commended for ‘judicial economy’, Pacific National tells court in ACCC appeal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-18 2:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

Pacific National has defended a decision by a judge to accept an undertaking and rule against the ACCC in its competition case over the rail operator’s acquisition of a major freight terminal in Queensland, saying the ruling was structured with “commendable judicial economy”.

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Judge overstepped in accepting Pacific National undertaking, ACCC tells appeals court
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-17 4:30 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge who dismissed the ACCC’s challenge to Pacific National’s acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland had no power to accept an undertaking by the rail operator as an answer to the competition regulator’s case, an appeals court has been told.

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