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Funder drops ‘uneconomic’ GST class actions after High Court snubs special leave bid
Class Actions 2022-07-05 4:05 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has signed off on the discontinuance of two class actions against Canberra property developers for allegedly misleading investors about GST on their apartments, after the High Court declined to review a ruling that made the cases “uneconomic” for the funder to pursue.

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In victory for class action, judge says bad breast implant claims can advance
Class Actions 2022-05-20 10:45 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The applicants in a class action against The Cosmetic Institute and twelve doctors over allegedly “incompetent” breast augmentation surgery have won court approval to expand their case to allege misleading and deceptive conduct and breaches of the consumer guarantees in the Australian Consumer Law.

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GST class action likely to be dropped after funder bows out
Class Actions 2022-05-05 4:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The future of a class action against a Canberra property developer accused of misleading investors about GST on their apartments is in doubt after the litigation funder withdrew support for the “uneconomic” case.

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High Court refuses leave to class action in GST case against developer
Class Actions 2022-04-19 6:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court won’t hear a challenge to a decision finding a Canberra property developer that misled investors about GST on its apartments did not have to pay for losses alleged in a class action against it.

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Deloitte can’t dodge client’s fraud claims, 16 years after alleged conduct
Tax 2021-12-10 10:01 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Accounting giant Deloitte has lost its bid to throw out a former client’s lawsuit alleging negligence and fraud over a failed interposition under tax law that occurred more than 16 years ago.

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Judge shoots down ex-ANZ trader’s ’emaciated’ bid to view lawyer meeting notes
Financial Services 2021-12-09 1:57 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former ANZ trader who alleges he was sacked for complaining about the bank’s manipulation of the bank bill swap rate has lost his bid to view lawyers’ notes taken during meetings over ASIC’s investigation into the bank’s conduct.

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‘Whole world of pain’ for solicitors if ex-ANZ trader won privilege spat, judge says
Employment 2021-12-06 3:52 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has said if he sides with a former ANZ trader in a privilege dispute with the bank over file notes from 2014 meetings over ASIC’s bank bill swap rate investigations it would create a “whole world of pain” for solicitors claiming privilege over their notes in other cases.

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Developer wins GST class action appeal despite misleading investors
Real Estate 2021-10-25 5:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Canberra property developer that misled investors about GST on its apartments does not have to pay compensation to the lead applicant in a class action against it, an appeal court has found.

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ANZ flags fight over use of ASIC communications in sacked trader’s case
Employment 2021-08-19 3:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

ANZ may fight to block a sacked trader from relying on his communications with ASIC in a case alleging he was fired after complaining about rate-rigging at the bank, saying it may be unlawful to use the documents, a court has heard.

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HWL Ebsworth docs sought by ANZ whistleblower could contain ‘golden nugget’, judge says
Employment 2021-03-31 3:31 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ruled that a former ANZ trader who alleges he was fired after complaining about rate-rigging at the bank can amend his lawsuit after separate proceedings that accuse law firm HWL Ebsworth of withholding his client file are resolved, saying the HWL documents could contain a “golden nugget”.

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