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Settlement reached in Takata airbags class actions
Class Actions 2021-07-13 11:55 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Six of the world’s largest car makers have agreed to settle class actions accusing them of selling cars with deadly Takata airbags.

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Judge tosses plaintiff’s case in first Takata airbags class action to face trial
Class Actions 2021-06-18 11:38 pm By Christine Caulfield

In a major defeat that could affect the fate of six other cases lined up behind it, a judge has dismissed the lead plaintiff’s claims in a class action against Volkswagen over deadly Takata airbags.

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Damages claimed in Takata airbags class action against VW ‘quite absurd’, court told
Automotive 2021-05-18 8:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

A class action trial against Volkswagen over recalled Takata airbags has kicked off, with a lawyer for the car giant denying the airbags carried a safety risk and attacking as “quite absurd” the sought-after damages of 30 percent of the initial price tag of affected cars.

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In victory for Mondelez, High Court reverses landmark personal leave ruling
Employment 2020-08-13 2:10 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Mondelez has won its High Court challenge to a ruling on the method to be used for calculating workers’ personal days.

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Scenic Tours passengers can claim damages for disappointment, High Court rules
Class Actions 2020-04-24 11:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

Passengers on a European river cruise operated by Scenic Tours can claim damages for disappointment after they were forced to take buses for most of their luxury tour, the High Court has ruled.

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ABC denied indemnity costs in search warrant dispute with AFP
Media 2020-04-06 3:45 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has lost its bid for indemnity costs against the Australian Federal Police in a case brought to block access to documents seized during a search of its headquarters last year.

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AFP agrees to keep eyes off seized files while ABC mulls appeal
Media 2020-02-24 9:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has secured a short-lived agreement by the Australian Federal Police not to look at the material seized in a controversial raid on the national broadcaster’s headquarters as it considers whether to take its battle with the agency to an appeals court.

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Search warrant authorising AFP raid on ABC valid, court rules
Media 2020-02-17 8:52 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has lost its challenge to an Australian Federal Police search warrant authorising a raid on the broadcaster’s Sydney headquarters last year.

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Common fund orders in class actions dealt fatal blow by High Court
Class Actions 2019-12-04 10:12 am By Christine Caulfield

Judges have no power to order all class action members to pay a proportion of a litigation funder’s commission out of their share of a settlement, the High Court has ruled in a landmark judgment that deals a huge defeat to litigation funders.

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All eyes on High Court as ruling on common fund orders looms
Feature 2019-12-02 11:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court is poised this week to issue its judgment in a case challenging the validity of common fund orders in class actions, a ruling that could see litigation funding commission rates creep back up after hitting record lows.

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