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Human rights group loses appeal fight to bring home Australians from Syrian refugee camp
Human Rights 2024-06-18 12:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Full Federal Court has dismissed an appeal by human rights group Save the Children, which sought to bring home Australians stuck in Syrian camps, rejecting as “mere conjecture” claims that Home Affairs had a repatriation arrangement with an authority in Syria.

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eSafety Commissioner to drop court case against X over stabbing footage
X Corp 2024-06-05 1:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

The online safety watchdog has dropped her Federal Court action seeking to force X to put a worldwide block on graphic footage of the April stabbing of a religious leader at Wakeley, following a judge’s decision not to maintain an injunction against the social media platform.

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X could have done more to shield users, including kids, from stabbing videos, court told
Social Media 2024-05-28 11:33 pm By Sam Matthews

The e-Safety Commissioner has expanded its case seeking to have X Corp remove posts that depict a stabbing of a bishop at a Sydney church, arguing X could have done more to prevent Australian users, including children and VPN users, from viewing the videos.

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Qantas has no responsibility to compensate illegally sacked ground crew, court told
Employment 2024-05-20 11:50 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Qantas argues it has “no legal responsibility” to compensate baggage handlers who, the High Court has found, the airline unlawfully sacked and replaced with contractors, partly to prevent them from engaging in industrial action.

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Judge blasts eSafety Commissioner bid for global takedown orders against X
Social Media 2024-05-14 10:56 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has given a poor prognosis to the eSafety Commissioner’s case seeking to have X Corp remove posts that depict a stabbing of a bishop at a Sydney church,  calling it an alarming and unreasonable attempt to exert control over activities abroad.

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eSafety commissioner can’t maintain injunction against X over church stabbing footage
Social Media 2024-05-13 10:29 am By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has refused to issue a further injunction against X Corp in proceedings by the eSafety Commissioner seeking the removal of posts that depict a stabbing at a Sydney church after raising concerns the order could become an “object of ridicule”. 

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Judge worries about making court orders ‘object of ridicule’ in X case over stabbing videos
Social Media 2024-05-10 11:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has expressed concerns that issuing a further injunction against X Corp in proceedings by the eSafety Commissioner seeking the removal of posts that depict a stabbing at a Sydney church would make the court’s orders an “object of ridicule” since the social media company cannot be forced to comply.

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X hit with extended injunction after allegedly disobeying order to hide church stabbing posts
Social Media 2024-04-24 3:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The eSafety commissioner has won a 16-day injunction against X after telling a court the social media platform had not complied with court orders to hide several posts that allegedly included videos of a stabbing at a Sydney church last week. 

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eSafety commissioner wins urgent injunction against X over Wakeley stabbing posts
Social Media 2024-04-22 11:47 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The eSafety commissioner has won a two-day injunction against social media platform X, forcing it to hide several posts that allegedly include videos of a stabbing at a Sydney church last week. 

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High Court clarifies procedural fairness in corruption cases, finds IBAC mostly followed rules
Public Corruption 2024-03-13 11:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

IBAC has been vindicated by the High Court in a ruling that found Victoria’s anti-corruption agency had largely complied with its obligations to provide a public body and a senior officer with a reasonable opportunity to respond to adverse material in an investigation over unauthorised email access.

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