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Aristocrat’s 6-year battle to patent Lightning Link poker machine ends in defeat
Intellectual Property 2024-04-12 9:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ruled gaming giant Aristocrat Technologies cannot patent its Lightning Link electronic poker machine, after six High Court Justices split on whether the popular game was eligible for patent protection.

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Sandoz tries again to invalidate Xarelto patents
Intellectual Property 2023-11-23 11:31 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Novartis unit Sandoz AG has filed an appeal after it was was barred from selling a generic version of top-selling blood clot drug Xarelto and failed to revoke two Bayer patents for the drug.

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Bayer defeats Sandoz challenge to patents for blood thinner Xarelto
Intellectual Property 2023-11-02 9:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Novartis unit Sandoz AG has lost its bid to revoke Bayerā€™s patents for its top-selling blood clot drug Xarelto and has been barred from selling generic versions of the medication after a judge found the German pharma giantā€™s patents were valid.

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Judge dismisses Sanofiā€™s concerns about Amgen hot tub gang-up
Intellectual Property 2023-09-28 11:31 am By Sam Matthews

Sanofi has lost its bid to limit evidence from experts for Amgen in a patent dispute over a cholesterol-lowering antibody, with a judge dismissing concerns about Amgen having a majority of experts giving concurrent evidence. In an application filed at the beginning of the month, the French pharmaceutical company sought to bar Amgen from relying…

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Bayer ‘deeply suspicious’ of pre-trial discovery bid in fight over Xarelto patents
Intellectual Property 2023-03-23 2:09 pm By Sam Matthews

German pharmaceutical giant Bayer has slammed generic drug make Sandozā€™s late bid for documents, which it called an attempt to ā€œdivert and distractā€ Bayer on the eve of a three-week trial over the patents for its top-selling blood clot drug Xarelto.

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Neurim’s patent for mini melatonin put to sleep
Intellectual Property 2022-12-05 10:50 pm By Sam Matthews

Israeli drug company Neurim Pharmaceuticals has lost a bid to patent a mini version of its melatonin tablet Circadin for children, after a successful challenge by Australian drug maker Generic Partners.

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End of the road for AI inventions, as High Court rejects patent appeal
Intellectual Property 2022-11-11 6:49 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court will not wade into the global debate over whether artificial intelligence inventions should receive patent protection, letting stand a Full Court judgment that overturned a landmark victory for AI pioneer Dr Stephen Thaler.

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Sanofi challenges Amgen’s patents for cholesterol-lowering antibodies
Intellectual Property 2022-10-18 5:23 pm By Sam Matthews

French drug giant Sanofi has appealed a decision giving American biopharmaceutical company Amgen the go-ahead for its patents for a cholesterol-lowering antibody that could be used to treat heart disease, diabetes, stroke and Alzheimerā€™s.

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No jackpot for Aristocrat, with High Court split on computer-implemented inventions
High Court 2022-08-17 11:12 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Gaming giant Aristocrat Technologies has lost its legal challenge to a decision that rejected a patent for its popular Lightning Link electronic poker machine, after six High Court Justices were equally split on whether it could be patented.

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Drug companies drop bid for ACCC approval of Revlimid patent settlement
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-07-29 11:44 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Bristol-Myers Squibb unit Celgene and two generic drug makers have withdrawn an application for ACCC approval of a patent settlement that would have allowed for an early launch of a generic version of blockbuster cancer drug Revlimid.

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