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Online florist Meg’s Flowers to pay $1M penalty for dodgy ‘local’ claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-12-16 11:36 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Online florist Megā€™s Flowers has been hit with a $1 million penalty for falsely claiming on websites and online ads that it was a local florist.

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Federal Court gets boost with eight new appointments to the bench
Courts 2024-12-06 11:58 pm By Andy Sidler

A Supreme Court judge, a university head, a competition law specialist and a defamation expert are among eight new appointments to the Federal Court announced Friday.

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REST’s reliance on law firms’ advice a winning defence in ASIC case
Financial Services 2024-09-18 11:22 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has tossed ASIC’s case against REST over alleged misleading representations, finding the representations were statements of opinion reasonably held based on the advice of lawyers.

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Federal Court’s new top judge to bring ‘swashbuckling to judging’
Courts 2023-04-19 10:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Federal Courtā€™s new Chief Justice Debra Mortimer will bring a sense of adventure to her role as top judge, which she foreshadowed will be approached holistically in a welcome ceremony before pre-eminent members of the legal community.Ā 

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Architecture firm to pay $975,000 for attempting to rig bids on $250M university project
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-04-13 1:52 pm By Sam Matthews

Award-wining architecture firm Ashton Raggatt McDougall and its former boss have agreed to pay a combined $975,000 in penalties for attempting to rig bids on a $250 million building project at Charles Darwin University.

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Arrium shareholders in class action can’t access full KPMG audit file
Class Actions 2022-02-04 1:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Shareholders in a class action against failed steel giant Arrium and KPMG have lost their bid for KPMG’s complete audit file for Arrium to probe the Big Four accounting firm’s handling of the steel producer’s financial statements before its collapse in April 2016.

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Arrium class action seeks unredacted KPMG audit file
Class Actions 2021-12-14 6:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

Shareholders in a class action against failed steel giant Arrium and KPMG are seeking an unredacted version of an audit file by KPMG to probe the accounting giant’s handling of the steel producer’s financial statements before its collapse in April 2016.

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Class action barristers among 16 new senior counsel appointments
People In The News 2021-11-11 3:05 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The Supreme Court of Victoria has appointed 16 barristers to silk, nine of whom are women, including two barristers who have worked on high-stakes class action litigation.

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‘Significant allegations’: ASIC ordered to flesh out case against REST
Financial Services 2021-04-09 2:53 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered ASIC to flesh out its case accusing the Retail Employees Superannuation of misleading members about their ability to move their super out of the REST Trust, given the ā€œsignificant” allegations that a deliberate system was behind the superannuation trustee’s alleged misconduct.

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ASIC accuses REST of deceiving members over super fund transfers
Financial Services 2021-03-02 9:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has brought court action against Retail Employees Superannuation, alleging the super trustee may have misled members about their ability to move their super out of the REST Trust.

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