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‘Too dangerous’: Judge wants express waiver to hear AUSTRAC’s case against Star
Gaming 2025-03-06 11:43 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A judge hearing two enforcement cases by regulators against embattled casino operator Star Entertainment has flagged the potential appearance of bias if he continues to preside over both proceedings.

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In class action defence, Isuzu denies cars contained ‘defeat device’
Class Actions 2025-02-17 11:22 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Japanese car maker Isuzu has struck back at a class action, arguing Isuzu D-Max and MU-X cars sold in Australia did not contain the features of so-called defeat devices used to cheat on emissions tests.

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Construction PRO
Lendlease abandons $10M land claim in fight with Macarthur-Onslow family
Real Estate 2025-02-14 3:11 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Lendlease has abandoned its bid to purchase a parcel of land owned by one of Australia’s oldest families for well below market value as part of its project to develop 6,700 homes in Campbelltown, Sydney.

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Initial Isuzu class action trial to focus on whether emissions ‘cheat’ device existed
Class Actions 2025-01-30 2:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge hearing a class action against Isuzu will deal first with whether its cars were fitted with so-called defeat devices, in the latest class action alleging a car maker cheated on emissions tests. 

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Non-bank lender Firstmac hit with $8M penalty for DDO breaches
Financial Services 2025-01-24 10:23 pm By Andy Sidler

The Federal Court has slapped non-bank lender Firstmac with an $8 million penalty, the second doled out in ASIC proceedings for violations of the new design and distribution obligations.

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Construction PRO
Lendlease loses injunction bid in spat over Campbelltown options deed
Construction 2025-01-16 11:53 pm By Andy Sidler

Lendlease’s hopes of acquiring, subdividing and selling lots in a Campbelltown block have been deferred, with a judge finding he could not make urgent orders with a question mark hanging over the construction of a relevant deed. 

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High Court asked to weigh in on Katy Perry trade mark stoush
Intellectual Property 2025-01-03 5:52 pm By Sam Matthews

An Australian fashion designer has asked the High Court to overturn a Full Court win for singer Katy Perry in a long-running trade mark dispute, saying the court’s findings “wrongly privilege the powerful and famous over ordinary traders”.

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RAMS franchisees call out ‘old school litigation’ in class action
Franchises 2024-12-05 3:41 pm By Sam Matthews

RAMS franchisees have called out the Westpac unit for “old school litigation,” as they seek information about alleged anomalies in home loan applications that led to the nixing of their franchise agreements.

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Katy Perry wins appeal in trade mark fight with Aussie designer
Intellectual Property 2024-11-22 11:55 pm By Sam Matthews

The Full Court has overturned a finding that singer Katy Perry infringed an Australian fashion designer’s ‘Katie Perry’ mark, finding the designer knew of the pop star when she registered the mark.

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Australian Clinical Labs flags strike-out bid in OAIC data breach case
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2024-11-08 11:57 pm By Sam Matthews

Australian Clinical Labs may seek to strike out part of the OAIC’s case over a 2022 data breach, arguing it would unfairly allow the watchdog to allege both single and multiple contraventions of privacy law.

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