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PwC to face misleading conduct claim over advice to Chinese lender
Financial Services 2021-08-17 11:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has found PwC should face a claim that it engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct while assisting Chinese lender Aoyin with its planned launch in Australia by failing to properly advise the company there was a risk its shareholders did not comply with APRA’s ‘fit and proper’ requirement.

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Baker McKenzie negligent in advising on Chinese lenderā€™s failed Aussie launch, court hears
Professional Negligence 2021-08-11 3:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Baker McKenzie has been accused of negligence in a cross claim by Chinese lender Aoyin, which faces a lawsuit by accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers for unpaid fees over advice related to a failed bid to launch a bank in Australia.

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Minetek canā€™t inspect USB devices for potential lawsuit against ex-employee, court rules
Intellectual Property 2021-07-22 10:04 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Global mine technology company Minetek has lost its bid to access USB devices held by equipment manufacturer Howdenā€™s solicitors for use in a potential lawsuit against a former employee who it says may have unlawfully used confidential company information.

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Minetek wants lawyers to hand over USB devices as its mulls lawsuit against ex-employee
Emma Bathurst 2021-07-15 6:47 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Global mine technology company Minetek is considering a lawsuit against a former employee who may have unlawfully used confidential company information, a court has heard.

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AkzoNobel hit with new lawsuit over $45B Ichthys LNG project
Energy & Natural Resources 2021-07-12 6:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Japanese oil company Inpex has sued Dutch paint manufacturer AkzoNobel for allegedly making misleading statements about an epoxy coating it supplied for use in the Ichthys Liquefied Natural Gas project in Bladin Point, Darwin.

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Pop star Katy Perry wins privilege spat in trade mark lawsuit against designer
Intellectual Property 2021-06-28 4:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

US singer Katy Perry has won a ruling shielding communications with lawyers from 2009 in a trade mark dispute with Australian fashion designer Katie Perry.

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Christian Porter appeals removal of silk from defamation case against ABC
Appeals 2021-06-25 5:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Christian Porter has appealed a ruling that barred silk Sue Chrysanthou from representing him in his now-settled defamation lawsuit against the ABC over its coverage of historical rape allegations.

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AMP launches bid to declass excessive insurance class action
Class Actions 2021-06-18 12:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

AMP and a number of its financial planning subsidiaries have launched a bid to declass a group proceeding jointly run by Piper Alderman and Shine Lawyers over allegedly excessive insurance premiums.

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Silk Sue Chrysanthou must return brief in Christian Porter defamation case
Defamation 2021-05-27 5:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has issued an injunction restraining barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC from acting for Christian Porter in his defamation case against the ABC.

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‘Very bad idea’: Barrister warned Chrysanthou about fallout if she took Porter brief
Defamation 2021-05-26 8:50 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A junior barrister expressed concerns to Sue Chrysanthou SC about her acting for Christian Porter in his defamation proceedings against the ABC, saying friends of the women who accused him of rape were ā€œbehaving like a cultā€ and that there could be fallout in the media, a court has heard.

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