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Court approves GCO in Noumi class action but may review lawyers’ cut
Class Actions 2022-11-08 10:40 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has signed off on a group costs order in a shareholder class action against food company Noumi and auditor Deloitte guaranteeing group members a return of at least 78 per cent, but noted the law firms’ cut may need to be reviewed to avoid a “disproportionate return”.

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Noumi class action lawyers won’t commit to 22% rate in GCO bid
Class Actions 2022-10-26 4:31 pm By Sam Matthews

Two class action firms have refused to provide an undertaking that would fix the rate of their contingency fee in a consolidated shareholder class action against food company Noumi and auditor Deloitte over $590 million in accounting irregularities.

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High Court ends BHP’s campaign to exclude foreign investors from class action
Class Actions 2022-10-12 11:58 am By Christine Caulfield

BHP Group has lost its High Court battle to keep foreign investors from an Australian shareholder class action over the devastating collapse of a Brazilian dam.

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One year after scolding from judge, TWE class action still stalled in discovery
Class Actions 2022-09-20 1:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has raised concerns with Maurice Blackburn and Slater & Gordon for their slow progress in a consolidated shareholder class action against Treasury Wine Estates, one year after scolding the firms for their delay in filing evidence.

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Funder backing multiple cases against Deloitte can’t access docs in Noumi class action
Accounting 2022-07-25 11:35 pm By Sam Matthews

Deloitte has won its bid to keep confidential documents away from the funder backing a consolidated shareholder class against food company Noumi which alleges the auditor was complicit in misleading the market.

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Barrister cites finding that PwC used ‘postbox’ lawyer in Noumi class action privilege spat
Class Actions 2022-07-19 4:18 pm By Sam Matthews

A fight over a global privilege claim by Noumi has been foreshadowed in a consolidated shareholder class action against the food company, formerly Freedom Foods.

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Judge frowns on survey to determine CBA’s liability in rest break case
Employment 2022-07-06 5:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has questioned the Finance Sector Union’s idea to use a survey to gather evidence about 3,000 employees who claim the Commonwealth Bank of Australia failed to provide them with paid rest breaks for at least six years.

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Treasury Wine’s blackout of board papers ‘not justified’, class action judge says
Class Actions 2022-05-23 3:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A shareholder class action against Treasury Wine Estates has won access to information said to prove there were reduced wine sales in the United States, with a judge finding the wine producer’s redactions of board papers were “not justified”.

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CBA says it wasn’t obligated to roster breaks enshrined in enterprise agreements
Employment 2022-05-17 4:07 pm By Sam Matthews

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has hit back at a $45 million lawsuit alleging it failed to provide thousands of employees with paid rest breaks for at least six years, saying it had no responsibility to schedule or roster the breaks.

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Deloitte strikes back in Noumi class action over $590M write-down
Class Actions 2022-04-21 5:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Deloitte and Noumi, formerly known as Freedom Foods, have pointed the finger at one another in a consolidated shareholder class action, with the accounting giant saying the food company made misleading representations in its financial reports and should be on the hook for its costs in defending the lawsuit.

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