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All judges immune from civil suits for judicial actions, High Court says
Courts 2025-02-12 11:26 am By Sam Matthews

The High Court has overturned a controversial decision that put a judge on the hook for a man’s false imprisonment, finding that all judges are immune from civil suits for acts done in the performance of their judicial duties.

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Lendlease can’t argue Qld law doesn’t apply to work on NSW side of Gold Coast Airport
Construction 2024-08-05 11:46 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has rejected Lendlease’s argument that Queensland building legislation does not apply to cross-border works carried out at Gold Coast Airport, saying the builder’s construction of the law would require a “bolt-by-bolt” analysis of construction work.

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Queensland court finds COVID-19 vaccine directive unlawful
COVID-19 2024-02-28 5:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Supreme Court of Queensland has found that a 2021 direction for police officers to receive the COVID-19 vaccination was unlawful and a similar mandate for ambulance service workers had no effect.

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Clive Palmer loses High Court battle over right to sue WA for $30B
High Court 2021-10-13 6:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

Mining magnate Clive Palmer and two of his mining firms have lost a High Court challenge seeking to overturn a Western Australian law which prevented him from suing the state government for $30 billion over mining tenements in the Pilbara.

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Judges shoot down last-minute bid to amend Adani native title appeal
Appeals 2019-06-05 12:12 pm By Amelia Birnie

A group of Indigenous Australians opposed to Adani’s Carmichael coal mine in Queensland have lost an eleventh hour bid to add extra grounds to their native title appeal, as they wait for a decision from the Full Federal Court.

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