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Meta can’t keep ACCC case over scam crypto ads under wraps
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-09-09 12:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Facebook-owner Meta has lost its bid for broad non-publication orders in its battle with the ACCC over material it says could prejudice jury members in criminal proceedings by mining magnate Andrew Forrest. 

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Ford class action judge says $100,000 appeal notice to group members pointless
Class Actions 2022-08-18 11:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Despite noting that a class action trial and appeal were “unusual”, a judge overseeing a long-running class action against Ford has refused an application to send a notice to group members about a coming appeal in the case.

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Silk’s cancellation fee not recoverable after vacated trial
Business of Law 2022-08-08 4:29 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has declined to pass on a senior barrister’s $18,000 cancellation fee as part of an adverse costs order for a vacated trial, noting that such fees are not standard or common practice.

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Nimble Money wins appeal in shareholder’s bid to peek at books
Financial Services 2022-08-08 11:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The largest shareholder in payday lender Nimble has lost its challenge to a decision blocking it from accessing company documents about an impending debt refinance, with an appeals court finding the investor’s concerns had “an air of commercial unreality”.

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Suncorp to pay $33M in super class action settlement
Class Actions 2022-07-25 11:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

The settlement figure in a class action against a unit of Suncorp Group has been revealed as $33 million, and super members are set to share in the net sum of $14 million, or 42.5 per cent of the deal.

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Meta wants details of tech capabilities kept under wraps in ACCC case
Cryptocurrency 2022-06-09 7:23 pm By Sam Matthews

Facebook owner Meta is fighting for broad non-publication orders in its battle with the ACCC over material it says could prejudice jury members in criminal proceedings by mining magnate Andrew Forrest.

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Suncorp Group settles class action ahead of 25-day trial
Class Actions 2022-05-23 1:07 pm By Sam Matthews

A unit of Suncorp Group has reached an in-principle settlement in a class action over alleged conflicted remuneration on the first day of an expected 25-day trial.

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Ford pushing for 10-day hearing in ‘all-in appeal’ of complex class action decision
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-05-17 3:01 pm By Sam Matthews

Ford is seeking an extended hearing of its appeal from a class action judgment in favour of 185,000 vehicle owners over their allegedly defective cars, saying a “significant excavation” of the ruling is now in order. 

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Full Court ‘compelled’ to find class closure judgment ‘plainly wrong’
Class Actions 2022-03-28 11:06 am By Miklos Bolza

The Full Federal Court has found that a landmark NSW Court of Appeal decision barring group members from being notified of future class closure orders at settlement was “plainly wrong” and that the court has the power to make the orders.

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Judge questions if Philips class action ‘appropriately resourced’
Class Actions 2022-03-23 3:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has questioned whether the lead applicant in a class action over sleep apnea machines with alleged safety defects was “appropriately resourced” to run the case against health tech giant Philips.

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