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Colloquial use not enough to save Macquarie’s ‘Macbank’ trade mark
Intellectual Property 2025-03-05 11:12 pm By Andy Sidler

A delegate has ordered the removal of Macquarie’s ‘Macbank’ trade mark, finding no evidence of use in the course of trade despite the moniker being widely used to refer to the bank colloquially.

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High Court asked to restore win for Bed Bath N’ Table in fight with Bed & Bath
Intellectual Property 2024-12-04 11:08 pm By Andy Sidler

Home retailer Bed Bath Nā€™ Table has asked the High Court to reverse a Full Court judgment that found retailer House did not engage in misleading and deceptive conduct in setting up its Bed & Bath stores.

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Start-up denies ex-Fortescue employees developed green iron on company dime
Intellectual Property 2024-12-03 11:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Element Zero has denied claims that three former Fortescue employees, including one executive, misused confidential information and developed a green iron process on the company dime.

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Travelex wins opposition to blockchain tech company’s trade marks
Intellectual Property 2024-11-26 3:20 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

International currency exchange company Travelex has won its opposition to three trade marks by blockchain travel company Travelx.

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Litigators of the week: Atanaskovic Hartnell, Marque win wars over words
Courts 2024-11-01 11:16 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A “time poor” judge’s extensive copying and pasting of submissions and an offensive tweet by senator Pauline Hanson were at the centre of the week’s biggest litigation wins.

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Full Court puts Bed Bath N’ Table’s misleading conduct claims to sleep
Intellectual Property 2024-10-31 11:24 pm By Cindy Cameronne

In a loss for Bed Bath N’ Table, the Full Court has overturned a finding that homewares retailer House engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct by setting up its ‘Bed & Bath’ stores.

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Element Zero appeals search order win for Fortescue in trade secrets case
Intellectual Property 2024-10-24 11:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

Green iron start-up Element Zero is continuing its fight over search orders won by rival Fortescue that it claimed were a massive over-reach.

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Aristocrat sues rival, ex-employees over Dragon Link trade secrets
Intellectual Property 2024-10-07 10:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Aristocrat has sued competitor Light & Wonder and two former employees for allegedly using confidential information about its popular Dragon Link poker game to develop a competing product.

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Fortescue scores win against start-up accused of ā€˜industrial scale’ misuse
Intellectual Property 2024-10-04 3:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Fortescue has defeated a bid by its former CFOā€™s green iron start-up to set aside search orders that were said to have been secured ā€œoff the back of egregious material non-disclosureā€.Ā Ā 

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Justin Hemmes’ Establishment wins trade mark spat with restaurant
Intellectual Property 2024-09-20 4:29 pm By Sam Matthews

Sydney hospitality mogul Justin Hemmes has prevailed in a trade mark stoush with Brisbane restaurant Establishment 203.

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