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Apple will take fight with Epic Games to the High Court
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-07-09 9:53 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Apple plans to appeal the Full Federal Court’s decision that Epic Games’ misuse of market power lawsuit over it App Store terms should be heard in Australia because the case raises issues of “fundamental public interest”.

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Full Court warned sending Epic Games lawsuit against Apple to California would have ‘chilling effect’
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-06-09 4:41 pm By Miklos Bolza

Video game developer Epic Games has asked the Full Federal Court to overturn an “illogical” decision sending its competition lawsuit against Apple to California, saying the move would have a “chilling effect” on the enforcement of Australia’s competition laws.

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Judge warns ‘enough’s enough’ in fight for damages over delayed Abilify generic
Intellectual Property 2021-06-03 10:52 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has given Generic Health more time to file its evidence in a multimillion-dollar dispute with drug makers Otsuka and Bristol-Myers Squibbs over the delayed launch of generic versions of their antipsychotic drug Abilify, but warned there had to be a cut-off point for preparing the decade-long dispute for trial.

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Otzuka, Bristol-Myers lose discovery bid in decade-old fight over Abilify
Intellectual Property 2021-04-27 4:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

The companies behind the top selling Abilify medication have lost their latest bid for documents from the Commonwealth in a multimillion dollar dispute over the delayed listing of generic versions of their drug, with a judge saying the material could be only “of the most marginal relevance”.

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High Court rejects Rinehart’s ‘very odd’ special leave bid in dispute over mining assets
Energy & Natural Resources 2021-03-15 8:39 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has rejected special leave applications by mining magnate Gina Rinehart to appeal a ruling which only partially stayed a legal dispute over ownership rights and royalties relating to the Rinehart family-owned Hope Downs iron ore mine, with one judge calling the mining magnate’s arguments a “tortured articulation” and “very odd”.Ā 

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Law firm can’t delay appeal over unpaid bill because QC won’t fly without vaccine
Legal Ethics 2021-02-17 2:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firm Atanaskovic Hartnell has failed to postpone its appeal of a ruling over unpaid legal fees until after its senior counsel — who is stuck in London — can get a COVID-19 vaccine and return to Australia.

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Full Court hears government’s $325M fight with Sanofi over ban on Plavix generic
Intellectual Property 2021-02-16 4:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

Pharmaceutical companies Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb are liable for losses to the federal government for excess subsidies it allegedly paid for the blood-thinner Plavix after an unjustified court injunction prevented the release of a generic version of the top-selling drug, an appeals court has heard.

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Rio Tinto execs’ trial vacated given likelihood of COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 2020-11-27 6:58 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A judge has vacated a seven-week trial in proceedings brought by ASIC against two former Rio Tinto executives to March or April 2022, after they requested a “lengthy delay” to ensure a COVID-19 vaccine would be available before they travel to Australia for trial.

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Rio Tinto execs’ trial can wait until COVID-19 vaccine, court hears
COVID-19 2020-11-23 10:32 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A former Rio Tinto executive living in the US who wants to appear in person at an upcoming trial in a case brought by ASIC says the hearing should be moved to next year when a COVID-19 vaccine will likely become available and he could travel to Australia to “mount a vital defence”.

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Rio Tinto execs want ASIC trial vacated due to COVID-19
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-11-04 2:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two former executives of mining giant Rio Tinto accused by ASIC of breaching their directors duties have asked the court to vacate an upcoming trial, after raising concerns that COVID-19 could affect their ability to appear.

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