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Google gets contempt of court charge set aside in case over defamatory reviews
Defamation 2019-08-13 9:03 pm By Amelia Birnie

A contempt of court prosecution ordered against Google for failing to immediately remove allegedly defamatory online reviews has been thrown out, with a judge saying the internet giant did not act in reckless or negligent disregard of the court’s removal orders.

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Judge rejects ‘arguably excessive’ funder’s commission in KPMG class action
Class Actions 2019-07-31 11:52 am By Miklos Bolza

A judge has rejected a proposed common fund order in the settled KPMG class action, saying the funder’s commission was “arguably excessive” and could result in a “stratospheric” return to the firm.

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Radio Rentals class action looking for admissions in AIG insurance claim docs
Class Actions 2019-07-24 1:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

The lead applicant in a class action against Radio Rentals wants access to correspondence relating to the appliance leasing company’s insurance coverage with AIG Australia, saying the documents might contain admissions relevant to its case over the company’s allegedly misleading ‘Rent, Try, $1 Buy’ program.

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Judge urges Grant Thornton to consider Chinese wall in KPMG class action settlement
Class Actions 2019-07-22 10:10 pm By Amelia Birnie

The settlement of the Discovery Metals investor class action against KPMG has experienced another setback, after scheme administrator Grant Thornton flagged a potential conflict of interest in acting as a costs contradictor over Piper Alderman’s controversial $3.5 million legal bill.

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Piper Alderman’s $3.5M legal bill for running KPMG class action in limbo
Class Actions 2019-07-12 1:37 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has refused to approve Piper Alderman’s $3.5 million in legal fees charged for running a class action against KPMG, appointing Grant Thornton as contradictor and giving the auditor the ability to seek assistance from the court for any future disputes about the controversial bill.

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Dick Smith insurers face class action over IPO-related policy
Class Actions 2019-07-08 4:43 pm By Miklos Bolza

Allianz and a number of other insurers of Dick Smith are now facing a class action over the extent of coverage under an insurance policy for the collapsed electronics retailer’s initial public offering.

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Piper Alderman says costs breach in KPMG class action ‘obviously accidental’
Class Actions 2019-05-31 2:42 pm By Amelia Birnie

Piper Alderman has urged a judge to excuse its “obviously accidental” breach of legal profession costs regulations in its Discovery Metals investor class action against KPMG, warning that group members could suffer detriment if its $3.5 million legal bill was not approved quickly.

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Judge questions Piper Alderman’s $3.5M legal bill in KPMG class action
Class Actions 2019-05-28 1:59 pm By Amelia Birnie

A judge has questioned whether he should approve the $3 million legal bill in the settled Discovery Metals shareholder class action against KPMG, amid concerns the plaintiff’s lawyers, Piper Alderman, breached legal profession regulations by failing to update their estimated costs.

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Court approves confidential KPMG class action settlement over objections
Class Actions 2019-05-27 9:32 pm By Amelia Birnie

A judge has signed off on the confidential settlement of a shareholder class action brought against KPMG relating to the failed $830 million hostile takeover of mining firm Discovery Metals, despite objections that the settlement process was “unfair and unjust”.

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Paltar Petroleum to be wound up after judge finds ‘too much uncertainty’ in DOCA
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-05-10 10:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Oil exploration company Paltar Petroleum will be wound up after a judge rejected a proposed deed of company arrangement as containing “too much uncertainty”.

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