Super Retail Group’s former top lawyer wants to lift a suppression order covering details of a settlement she says was reached after she was dismissed from the company.
The High Court has found a 15 per cent ‘backpacker tax’ imposed on holders of Australian working holiday visas violates a double taxation agreement between Australia and the UK.
Three companies operated by convicted accountant Vanda Gould have failed again to block further cross examination of Gould by the Commissioner of Taxation in a number of tax appeals in the Federal Court.
A judge has tossed One Nation chief-of-staff James Ashby’s lawsuit alleging the federal government breached the Fair Work Act by refusing to foot the bill for nearly $4.5 million in legal costs stemming from a dropped sexual harassment case against former House speaker Peter Slipper.
The federal government is seeking summary judgment in a lawsuit brought by One Nation chief-of-staff James Ashby alleging it took adverse action against him by refusing to foot the bill for nearly $4.5 million in legal costs stemming from a dropped sexual harassment case against former House speaker Peter Slipper.
A judge has rejected a judicial review request by One Nation chief-of-staff James Ashby who sought to have the Commonwealth foot the bill for nearly $4.5 million in legal costs stemming from a dropped sexual harassment case against former House speaker Peter Slipper.
The Commonwealth has told a court it will not sit down for mediation talks with One Nation chief-of-staff James Ashby as he seeks to recoup almost $4 million in legal costs spent in a dropped sexual harassment case against former House speaker Peter Slipper.