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Rio Tinto to cop penalty in ASIC case over failed $5.8B acquisition
Energy & Natural Resources 2022-02-11 11:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Rio Tinto will face a penalty in proceedings brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission alleging the mining giant misled shareholders about the resources of a Mozambique mining company it acquired for $5.8 billion in 2011 and later offloaded for $70 million.

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Judge won’t block disciplinary action against unvaccinated Qantas staff
COVID-19 2022-01-24 5:18 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge has dismissed an urgent application to block Qantas from taking disciplinary action against unvaccinated employees, but the airline has committed to extending their leave with pay until a challenge to its COVID-19 vaccination policy can be heard.

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Sunwater loses dispute with Liberty over coverage for Queensland floods class action
Insurance 2021-12-08 3:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

Liberty Mutual Insurance does not have to indemnify dam operator Sunwater for its share of a $440 million settlement of the Queensland floods class action, the NSW Supreme Court has found.

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Top judge did ‘unexplained violence’ to Star’s business interruption policy, Full Court told
Insurance 2021-11-08 9:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

In rejecting a bid by The Star Entertainment Group to recoup losses stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Court’s Chief Justice did “real and unexplained violence” to the construction of a business interruption policy the casino giant had taken out with Chubb, the Full Court has heard.

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Rate-rigging class action pleadings OK’d, more than two years after case filed
Class Actions 2021-10-28 3:56 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has given the green light to amended pleadings in a class action accusing major banks of entering a cartel agreement to rig foreign exchange rates, bringing a two-year fight over the pleadings closer to resolution.

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Crown gets two years to fix ‘illegal, dishonest, unethical’ conduct or face loss of casino licence
Gaming 2021-10-26 11:44 am By Miklos Bolza

Crown Resorts has avoided having its casino licence stripped, for now, with a Victorian Royal Commission giving the casino operator two years to clean up its act after finding it failed to prevent “illegal, dishonest, unethical and exploitative” conduct.

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Judge says MIS regulation ‘doesn’t work’ with class action regime
Class Actions 2021-09-13 11:23 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Federal Court judge has taken a swipe at new regulations that require class action funding arrangements to be registered as managed investment schemes, saying it was difficult to reconcile the new rules with the class action regime.

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Lloyd’s denies ‘incomprehensible’ claims in COVID-19 business interruption class action
COVID-19 2021-09-10 3:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

Insurance giant Lloyd’s has rejected what it calls an “incomprehensible” class action pleading by Australian businesses that argue its business interruption policies should have indemnified them for losses stemming from COVID-19 lockdowns.

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Worley budget adjustments were ‘drop in the ocean’, Full Court hears in class action appeal
Class Actions 2021-08-17 10:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Worley’s increases to a budget behind an allegedly misleading 2014 earning guidance, amounting to $1.14 million, were a “drop in the ocean”, the Full Court has heard as shareholders seek to revive a failed class action against the engineering company.

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Shareholders looking to revive class action say Worley pursued ‘growth stock’ ambitions over accuracy
Appeals 2021-08-16 9:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Worley crafted the budget behind an allegedly misleading 2014 earnings guidance so that its shares could be rated as a “growth stock”, the Full Court has heard as shareholders seek to revive a failed class action against the engineering company.

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