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‘Dangerous nature of loan’ enough to find lenders acted unconscionably, High Court says
Financial Services 2022-03-17 10:01 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has found that three asset-based lenders behaved unconscionably when they enforced thir rights under a $1.2 million loan made to a vulnerable consumer secured by a mortgage over his properties.

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High Court to weigh in on CFMEU’s serial offender status in assessing penalties
High Court 2021-05-21 10:52 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has granted special leave to the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner in a case dealing with how the CFMEU’s history as a serial offender should have been considered when assessing the penalty the union should face for breaches of the Fair Work Act.

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Jump swim school hit with $23M penalty for ‘very serious’ consumer law breaches
Franchises 2021-05-20 4:47 pm By Miklos Bolza

The failed franchisor behind the Jump Swim Schools brand has been hit with a $23 million penalty for what a Federal Court judge found were “very serious” consumer law contraventions.

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NSW can’t shield docs in ACCC competition case over ports privatisation
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-12-09 5:19 pm By Miklos Bolza

The NSW government cannot assert public immunity over cabinet documents sought in a case brought by the ACCC over an allegedly anti-competitive agreement for the privatisation of Port Botany and Port Kembla.

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‘Confusing and confused’: Judge throws out Nauru detention class action
Class Actions 2020-08-24 4:06 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has dismissed a class action accusing Government ministers of misfeasance in public office over the practice of securing Nauruan visas for those detained on the island.

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