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AG can gatekeep insurance providers for NSW lawyers, appeals court finds
Business of Law 2024-08-21 11:26 pm By Andy Sidler

The NSW appeals court has clarified the operation of the Uniform Law in the state, finding that insurers offering professional indemnity insurance to legal practitioners must be approved by the state’s Attorney General.

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Class action attacks ‘false’ logic of AG’s claim GCO a neutral factor in KPMG transfer bid
Class Actions 2024-07-30 11:17 pm By Sam Matthews

In submissions to the High Court, the applicant in a class action brought on behalf of Arrium shareholders against KMPG has attacked the Attorney-General’s argument that a contingency fee order is a neutral factor in assessing the accounting firm’s bid to move the case from Victoria. 

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Contingency fee order in Arrium class action would remain in force in NSW, AG tells High Court
Class Actions 2024-06-20 11:55 pm By Sam Matthews

The NSW Supreme Court would have the power to deal with a contingency fee order made in a class action against KPMG if the accounting firm won its application to move the case from Victoria, making the existence of the order a neutral factor in the transfer bid, the federal Attorney-General has told the High Court.  

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High Court clarifies ‘dominant use’ in land tax exemption for animal farms
Appeals 2024-06-05 11:02 pm By Sam Matthews

Unanimously dismissing an appeal by thoroughbred breeding and horseracing giant Godolphin, the High Court has ruled on the proper construction of a tax exemption for rural land in NSW.

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Vic Supreme Court can’t prefer own state’s policy in class action transfer bid, High Court told
Class Actions 2024-05-21 11:08 pm By Sam Matthews

Supporting KPMG’s bid to move a class action over the collapse of Arrium from Melboure to Sydney, former directors of the failed steel company have told the High Court the Victoria Supreme Court was impermissibly preferring the policy of its state in finding a contingency fee order made in the case could be factored into a transfer application.

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No Crown immunity for damage to sacred sites in NT, High Court says
High Court 2024-05-08 11:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Commonwealth can be held criminally responsible for damage to First Nations sacred sites in the Northern Territory, the High Court has unanimously found in a case over construction damage to Gunlom Falls in Kakadu National Park.

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High Court clarifies law on reliance damages in contract spats
Contracts 2024-05-08 3:54 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has held that a contractor had a “prima facie entitlement” to recoup the costs of building an aircraft hangar in Cessnock, NSW, which it spent in reliance on the local government performing its obligations under their contract, in a case that clarifies how courts should assess reliance damages claims. 

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Full Court awards $24.5M commission to 7-Eleven class action funder
Appeals 2024-05-02 3:33 pm By Sam Matthews

The Full Federal Court has found the court’s recently-affirmed power to make common fund orders at settlement means the litigation funder that backed two class actions against 7-Eleven is entitled to a $24.5 million cut from a $98 million settlement, in a decision that slammed the parties for a settlement approval process that “went off the rails”, costing group members $2.5 million.

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With constitutional issue on cards, Full High Court to hear KPMG’s class action transfer push
Class Actions 2024-05-02 11:41 pm By Sam Matthews

The Full High Court will sit for the hearing of KPMG’s battle to transfer a Victoria class action to Sydney, as the applicant in the case raises a question as to the constitutional validity of the firm’s argument that the NSW Supreme Court is bound to keep a group costs order operative. 

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In victory for class action, High Court says Qld council must repay levies
High Court 2024-03-13 4:15 pm By Sam Matthews

The High Court has handed a win to a class action on behalf of Queensland ratepayers who were wrongly charged levies over a period of six years, rejecting the local council’s argument that the levies were put to good use.

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