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Court urged to reject law firm’s contingency fee bid in ANZ, Westpac class actions
Class Actions 2021-06-03 10:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Victoria Supreme Court judge weighing for the first time an application by a law firm for a percentage cut of recoveries in class actions has been told to reject the bid because group members would fare better under the firm’s current no win, no fee funding arrangement.

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S&P may ask judge to disqualify himself from class action over ratings defects
Class Actions 2021-03-26 12:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge who oversaw a 39-day trial in 2018 in multiple class actions against S&P Global may be asked by the ratings agency to step down from hearing another class action alleging systemic defects in its ratings systems.

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Court won’t save Greensill from ‘catastrophic’ expiry of $4.6B insurance policy
Insurance 2021-03-02 11:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Embattled financial services firm Greensill Capital has lost an emergency bid for a temporary mandatory injunction that would have forced its insurer to renew trade credit policies covering $4.6 billion in client loans as it fights to avoid collapse.

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Judge to hear first application for group costs order in ANZ, Westpac class actions
Class Actions 2021-02-24 6:24 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The first ever application for a group costs order will be heard in class actions against ANZ and Westpac, and the judge weighing the application has urged the parties to think carefully about the evidence they will submit in support of their bid for a cut of any settlement or judgment.

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Class actions can’t pursue insurance brokers to boost Quintis settlement, court hears
Class Actions 2021-02-18 1:45 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two insurance brokers have dodged being dragged into class action proceedings against sandalwood producer Quintis to boost a settlement reached last year, as a fight over insurance owed to the company to cover the settlement continues.

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High Court rejects Westpac’s ‘gloss’ on financial product advice statute
High Court 2021-02-03 10:51 am By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has dismissed an appeal by Westpac challenging a ruling that found the bank breached its duties to customers by providing personal financial advice as part of a telephone campaign encouraging customers to roll over external superannuation accounts.

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High Court set to deliver judgment in Westpac’s appeal of personal advice ruling
High Court 2021-01-29 3:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court will hand down its ruling Wednesday in a high-stakes case between ASIC and Westpac that is expected to clarify the line between personal and general financial advice.

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The top litigation law firms of 2020
Feature 2021-01-27 11:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Lawyerly’s Litigation Firms of 2020 delivered significant victories for clients last year in bet-the-company matters, thriving in a tumultuous year that saw courts and litigants adapt to virtual trials and other new norms that are sure to outlast the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Rio Tinto execs want ASIC trial vacated due to COVID-19
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-11-04 2:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two former executives of mining giant Rio Tinto accused by ASIC of breaching their directors duties have asked the court to vacate an upcoming trial, after raising concerns that COVID-19 could affect their ability to appear.

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In partial win for QBE, judge pares back ANZ add-on insurance class action
Class Actions 2020-10-20 9:36 am By Christine Caulfield

A judge has sided in part with QBE Insurance and pared back a class action over allegedly worthless add-on insurance sold by ANZ to credit card and personal loan customers.

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